Recently Tyrannosaurus Rex was spotted snow blowing his driveway. Yep, in Fraser there is a dude who dons a full on dinosaur costumes to do the snow job. Why, he was asked? His answer was, "just because it makes people smile." How simple and sweet. I love this.
Taking the responsibility of making people smile or laugh, in my opinion, would add just a little sunshine as we plow through these frigid temp. And why shouldn't we be making that effort? Foisting our moods on others should be a crime. Nobody cares and we all have our own shit. In these days of publicly airing our laundry, advising people, and blabbing about politics (bravely, behind our keyboards!) just seems boring and classless to me. Again, if you are not asked-nobody probably cares. Better to throw out some positive energy and maybe make someone smile.
Marilyn Monroe said, "It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." I couldn't agree more, Girl! I love being totally ridiculous and I don't care how it looks or if anyone laughs. I simply don't take myself that seriously. It's mostly who I am....
Rest in Peace, to a friend who recently passed. Erik Donald France was very encouraging and supportive of me years ago when I started this blog. He commented regularly with witty, and clever remarks that never failed to make me smile. Such a handsome, bright , and charming friend that I was blessed to have known. The world dimmed a little as we lost his bright smile. XOXOXOXOX
Stay warm this week Dollfriends and smile-it'll keep your face from freezing!
8 months ago
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