Under the #whatthehellwasithinking....
My Mom and my sister, Lisa had a garage sale last weekend. Yep. Please do not judge my mental capacity based on this decision. I have that assessment covered.
We are all a little crazy. And so are the shoppers. I was asked THREE times if I had any albums. Ummmm….no, not since the eighties!
After a massive closet purge plus lots of items from my Ebay store, I thought it would be a great way to make a few bucks and continue my declutter. These items were simply 'not sparking any joy' for me and it was hoped someone else could feel the joy.
The sale was to be had at my Mom's so we hauled the goods up and did a makeshift closet in her garage. We sorted and organized. We priced and displayed. We took out an ad and posted signs with balloons. It looked like a freakin' Macy's-if Macy's was clean and organized.
Friday the weather was perfection and sales were brisk. Saturday was very quiet and we closed shop early. All in all, financially it was worth the effort-mentally, not so much. This little exercise in humanity has me exhausted.
Thanks to my Mom for hosting this lunacy. I promise you, Mom, baring another break from reality-we won't do it again any time soon. Have a great week, y'all. XO
8 months ago
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