I just may have a new favorite (holi)day! Yep. Sunday was National Popcorn Day and as you can see, I was only to happy to indulge in the 'celebration!'
Growing up, popcorn was a staple snack in our home. Mom never made it and Dad always did. After taking a quick poll to see who wanted popcorn, all of us would traipse into the kitchen to watch him do his magic. The routine never varied. I would grab the huge bread pan and Lisa would snag a stick of butter from the fridge. Dad always made a big production of adding the kernels and would always hit the lid on the pan-much like a chime-signaling that the popping was done. With mouths in full watering mode, we watched as he carefully buttered and salted what had to be at least five gallons of popcorn. Someone retrieved the napkins and we filled our bowls with our favorite treat. Mom was 'treated' to a mess in the kitchen that included greasy popcorn bowls and salt on the counters.
To this day, popcorn is still my go to. I absolutely love it! I make it exactly like Dad did totally shunning the microwave option. The only change is that I pop in EVOO and use pink Himalayan sea salt. Yes, I totally overindulge, but hey, it's a whole grain. Right?!
Now on to honor a true holiday....Happy Martin Luther King Day. I wonder what difference he would have made had he been allowed to live and spread his wise prophecy. Among my favorite quotes of his is this one, "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Have a wonderful week and stay warm my Dolls. xo
8 months ago
Popcorn, whiskey and the Senate trial. That there will be the real test of your taste buds.
Hi Mark! Popcorn, Vino but NEVER politics-I hate all that BS!
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