Coulrophobia. Phobia or fear of clowns. Okay, I can't say that I am exactly afraid or even phobic about clowns-a simple revulsion of them is more like it. However, on Friday night when this dude was advertising for the Shrine Circus I didn't feel anything bad at all! A few cocktails maybe helped but he really looked more like a chef with blue hair and bad makeup. It wasn't till he skipped off that I realized the softening I experienced. I also extremely dislike elves, trolls, garden gnomes, and flying monkeys. I don't get why Keebler would employ tree dwelling cookie bakers, but hey, those Pecan Sandies….I've always hated The Wizard of Oz because of the abundance of various scary creatures, and even Travelocity's mascot of the traveling gnome annoys me. I once made friends remove their garden gnome before I would visit their new cottage. Can't explain it, those are things that just make me squirm and look like I've encountered a really bad smell.
But.... I have extreme trust in people. I regularly forget to lock my car and house and leave my purse in my abandoned cart as I forget myself and wander away to look at something. And it's only in my advancing age that I'm afraid to drive in a blizzard or fog. I'm not afraid of heights, flying, swimming in the ocean or trying new foods. Spiders don't bother me and I love my dentist.
Dane found it amusing that I feared 'things' that weren't even real as opposed to true danger and he loved teasing me about it. But show him a spider and he would run shrieking out of the room! All in all, I think I'm a pretty fearless person. Probably my biggest fear lately is not having a few (or a few hundred!) books on backup to read. Shudder!
That said, I want to know if YOU have any phobias or fears.
And if you want me to stop by for a Pecan Sandie, you better remove that yard gnome. After all, a girl has her limits! XO
8 months ago
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