Big changes in the Dale household. We have dropped some of our pay channels and are now using a Firestick. We actually watch very little television and really it usually acts as a sedative and background noise. But maybe we can save some money and catch one of the series that has everyone so knotted up about. Apparently our not-so-old television isn't 'smart' and in order to 'stream' (what the hell is that anyways?) channels and movies, we had to utilize this device. Randy spent two hours installing the thing and now I don't even know how to turn the t.v. on!
I find it completely boggling and want to just have one remote control that does everything along with a few quality channels. Logically, why can't we ala carte order our favorite channels, bundle 'em up with a price and call it a day? I'm sure there's a good reason (MONEY?!) that this isn't an option.
All that being complained about, what are the series that have enjoyed? We scanned for at least 30 minutes and still didn't find anything that exciting. Recommendations would be appreciated.
If I can get the remote to work AND stay awake, I should be all set!
P.S. UPDATE from last weeks post. I was able to thank and pay for some new crocs for the generous woman at the thrift store. She resisted my gesture, but I insisted and got a very sweet
'God Bless' from her. What a great way to start my week. OXO
8 months ago
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