A belated Happy Thanksgiving to y'all. The holiday surely held all the best for us. My Mom and Dad joined us for the traditional feast--and I even cooked, with Mom's help. It was a success and we were all sufficiently thankful and sufficiently bloated. The triptophan did it's job, combined with the wine to make a sleepy, quiet evening. We watched "Waitress", and one by one, clunked out. Earlier in the day, my Mom (who was also celebrating her 70Th. birthday), helped me wallpaper my laundry room and my Dad and I engaged in (soft) political discussions. Normal. Just like I like it. Now comes a concept a little harder for me to consider "normal". Black Friday. Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Getting up at 2:30 AY EM to shop? Not a chance. Even I, who like a sale as much as the next nut ball, draw a line at such nonsense. Firstly, NOTHING, barring urination or an early flight to some exotic locale, could possibly lure me out of my white, down, cloud like, nest of a bed. Big deal on the sale items. Did I mention that you can't find a parking spot, and wait hours in line to check out? Like a bunch of lemmings lookin' all sleep deprived and glassey eyed and ready to drink the kool aid. I heard there was an actual death by trampling event, for real, at a Wally World in New York. The store closed for awhile, but then opened again at 1:00 p.m. for business as usual. God forbid that Sam Walton lose a few sales. Pitiful. So ya get 50 or 60 percent off. That shit would have to be free, and even then, I don't think I could launch myself into that fresh hell! Next week it'll be 40 percent off, with no lines and such. Also you can point and click for the same bargains with free shipping (mostly) and no tax on your order. I have to think my time has some value and I don't even have to THINK that my snooze time is more important. So in an event more suited to my lazy, slug self, I have chosen to participate in "Buy Nothing Day" and help do my part in the greening of the Earth by being less of a consumer. Cool. Noble cause easily accomplished by sleeping and buying nothing. I don't even need to run to Kroger, what with the vats of leftovers chillin' in the fridge. Beyond coolness. I am not even purchasing gas or running Ruby Dee today to further "green" and avoid possibly bruising Ruby with a shopping cart or a body. So what to do with a day all open and to myself? Pack off Mom and Dad, and get a shower. Contemplate the possibilities. Maybe a long, nap with Lola, followed by some reading. Then daytime t.v. followed by say, some cold stuffing. Possibly some extended musing. Chocolate will be necessary. Read till my eyes get tired. Doze again. Watch a movie. Break out the turkey. Snooze again till the Pistons. Have a glass of wine. Reflect on my near perfect day. And be thankful...xoxo
8 months ago
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I hope to hear from you soon and take care... :)
glad you had a enjoyable thanksgiving. mine was beyond great. stayed home with the boys. alone, yes alone. traditional meal. one large hunk of red meat on the grill, more king crab then the boys and i could plow thru. the boys hated crab, bamn. the lad joined us for dinner. some drinks, some smoke, great day. new rule at my house, i will stay away from your house on thanksgiving, keep out of rifle range of mine xoxo steve
wha 'chu talkin' bout Willis? Steve, just cuz this Thanksgiving we were apart doesn't mean it will always be that way. We will be together next year!!!! xoxo
Caloric uptake accomplished in sedate peace and quiet. One kid sans wife (out of town) and us made for a sedate day. Our new tradition.
I will admit to being squirrely on Friday, I went to Circuit city at mid-day and copped a couple of three dollar movies. I had been wanting to see Million dollar Baby and now that I have, I'll have to decide what I want to wait for next.
Juno maybe...next year.
This is the first Thanksgiving where I had to powerwash the turkey from my braces.
I had 9 people, 3 dogs (one having just been sprayed by a skink 2 days prior) and 2 cats at Thanksgiving! It was definately a houseful, but we had a great time. Brian deep fried the bird and I made the best pork loin of my life, no need to test recipes any further... ding ding ding, we have found a winner!
I worked on Friday, but almost got in 2 accidents in front of the ABC Warehouse down the street! People were pulling out in front of oncoming traffic. I stayed indoors all day, not wanting to get stuck in that again!
Hope to see you soon!
opps, I meant skunk!
Hey Thanksgiving was nice. Other than the chain smoking in laws all had fun eating!!! Lots of eating. I am one of the crazy Black Friday shoppers. Gets the ads out circles the items at each store that I want and Leaves before 4:00am.
It is a bit crazy but so am I. Walmart was crazy with police in the store keeping the shoppers at bay. Merry Christmas to all
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