Hope you are all surviving the season of our our indulgence. I myself am fried up, toasted oats and shaked, baked, frosted and salted. Done, finis. I am a creature of habit and schedule and all of this craziness and laziness does me in. Firstly, I get myself totally sleep deprived by participating in the hen party my Mom and I hold well into the wee hours and then resuming said party early in the morning. And bloated--can we talk? The food I looked forward to did not disappoint. My brother in law treated us all to a very decadent and delicious Christmas Eve dinner. And I ate the whole thing. Powerhouse Gym awaits me Monday and I plan to knock myself out. Bring it Trainer Tony!! I am including some pics for your giggle. How about that Mickey being a good sport and wearing his cute yet degrading reindeer ears. He totally worked his cuteness and figured out who to pimp for treats--Grampa and Aunt Lisa. Lola spent hours laying under the tree and enjoying the lights and such. The snow up north was incredible as witnessed in the pic of the snow cake, modeled by Carol Merrill. That said, I want to thank all of you, especially my faithful commenter's (xoxoxox!) for your support this past 10 months or so, and also for enduring my lengthy, Christmas memoir post. That thing took on a life of it's own! You have all inspired me by your generosity and humor. Love and Peace to all. xoxo P.S Happy Belated Birthday to my dear bud, Tim!
I always get discombobulated over the holidays too. I tend to work best with a routine, and when I let that break down there's no telling how lazy I can become.
Hey beautiful,
I hear you! The holidays always have me jangled and in need of routine. This is the first and probably only year in which I have lost weight (thank you evil surgery!) during the month of December. But that's what it's there for, right? To eat and drink and relax in preparation for the exciting new year.
What I wanna know is what's going on in the top photo? Wild.
Happy New Year, Jodi! May calmness return . . .
If that isn't a cake in the first picture the season has not been decadent enough Jodi...commence to baking.
Personally I haven't been able to get out of sorts or energized for any holiday since the divorce twenty five years ago, I let it all go and just send checks. It is my holiday routine and is good enough for me. It is the Alfred E. Newman defense..."What? Me Worry?"
All ya all have a good next year.
Hi All, Charles, I am always able to fit in laziness. It's my personal reward for anything I may accomplish! Michelle, I'd be envious of the weight loss, but not at the price of a surgery!
Get well soon!! Erik, the "snow cake" was already melting, hence the asian look to the thing. And WM. I believe in doing the holidays in the way which most suits you. I abhor any rules, so I make up my own and that seems to work for me. There is a reason for the season and it's not food and gifts, so I think you've got it right. Do your thang! xo Lets make 2009 our best for ourselfs, whatever that may be.
Happy New Year Sister Sledge!
lol... happy new year to you and yours :D
I wore those same reindeer ears this Christmas. Ate and drank too much also.
Have a great 2009!
Happy New year to you. Those indulgences, we love them and we hate them. Wine cookies and a good home made chex mix is the staple of Christmas. Looking forward to some routine on Monday. Gym here we come. Oh yea, kids go back to school!!!
Cute "cake." I SOOOOOO don't miss that kind of snow (& even more.) Our 3" this year was enough to tide me over for many years to come (but then again, I had mild frostbite some years ago, so I just can't take the cold like I used to!)
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