So, 2008 out and 2009 in. Happy New Year. Whoo Hoo! I have never had a great love or respect for this inevitable event. Flip the calendar already! Years past I have endured every type of party imaginable, with having to drive home in blizzard conditions amongst drunk drivers. I hate the countdown, hats and noisemakers. As kids, we couldn't wait for Mom and Dad to come home and bring us those very goodies, knowing fully well that we would annoy the hell out of them all the next day when they would have very little tolerance for it. Then, finally, a long time ago, I put my foot down and refused most invites, and just stayed home or at the home of close friends. Although we had 2 other wonderful invites, (Bennie and Lori, and Bill and Cindy xoxo) we opted to go up north and welcome in the new year. Had a great time with friends where we skied, snomo'ed, and walked in the SNOWY woods. We braved lots of slopes and even tackled one black diamond, before retiring to the lodge to congratulate ourselves on our athletic prowess (and lack of gray matter). Rewarding ourselves with a fabulous hot cocoa (o.k., with Kahlua) in the lodge seemed the appropriate thing to do. The sight of so many pink cheeked families laughing and enjoying themselves was inspiring. My amigos and I trudged up a big hill and watched snowboarding daredevils do their thing. A gorgeous guy in black high tech gear, but wearing a Detroit Red Wings hat, did the portraits for us. (Thank you, hunky guy!) We bowled and golfed on the Wii, well, most everyone else did. I abhor all things video, except a good movie, and besides I have to put down my beverage and crossword puzzle to take a turn to PRETEND I am doing a sport. I did humor everyone--or rather amused them with my lack of care and competitive nature. Just not for me. Rather chill by the fireplace and contemplate or daydream. Our friends are fabulous cooks and treated us fabulously to their culinary expertise. I indulged all of my cravings and mused on how, come Monday, a serious effort to return to sensibility would take place. Don't worry, I won't go all "OPRAH" on you. I never make a resolution, per say, but I do pause to reflect on the past year. The coolest thing was starting to blog. I have made some friends that I look forward to visiting each day, as if I was their neighbor. Learning about others as well as myself is an enlightening exercise to say the least. I was privileged enough to visit a place I've always wanted--Costa Rica, and experience their way of living. Witnessed a historical election. Supported friends in their wedding. Cooked a turkey! Went to some great concerts. Walked approximately 750 miles on the Metro Parkway path with my good friends, Rose and Mickey. Read some great books--and some not so great ones. Ditto with the movies I saw. Enjoyed family. Ate well, loved well, and was loved well back. What more could I want? xo P.S. thank you, Jimmy, Pam and Mary xoxo!
8 months ago
Wow, talk about "scrolling" down to the comments. Lol. I'm glad I'm of a age where we don't even get invited anymore. I prefer my home place with Lana
Hey Charles, Thanks for the alert. Got it fixed now. And yeah, I feel the same way.
a path way leading to better tomorrows
Oh man, a salute to '008 and to an equally interesting '009 ;->
Hard to beat a Costa Rican trip!
Or the historic election, for that matter.
Who knows what tomorrow might bring?
Cheers to the New Year!
I see you and I will never be're just to far gone for me kiddo. Anyone that has anything good to do or say about this frigid season is simply too nuts to accommodate.
Charles could probably find a therapist for this twist in your personality Jodi.
Here's to hoping that 2009 brings you some semblance of warm sanity.
ha ha ha ha ha ha
Dear WM, Me and You gotta talk. I grew up in snow country and everyone assumes that I am somehow "hearty". Please. I hate winter, but love the outdoors and exercise. BUT, the conditions must be perfect and with a set time frame. I am equipted with high tech "warm clothes", and I request a WARM fireplace avaiable after such activities. I need therapy, for sure, but not for acceptance of the inevitable winter. Now. Can't we be friends!! p.S. Don't shove me off on Charles!
Love the hat, love the shoes (boots). Although the footwear isn't pictured, I'm sure I would love them. Love the cocoa ( with Kahlua)! The snow, not so much...
I suppose Jodi...peanut butter isn't any good without the nuts.
Oh WM, eat the smooth kind! And quit being the King of Denile. It (winter) comes with our territory! I do try to make the best of everything. And I know, it's kinda sickening sometimes.....
As usual, I checked-in at 11:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve. Didn't go anywhere. As for your comment: "I have made some friends that I look forward to visiting each day, as if I was their neighbor..." Well Jodi, hate to say it, but we're already neighbors. I just don't shop at Kroger, or discuss our Mayberry RFD politicians.
C'mon JR,don't hate on it. Lets go Krogering and then to Big Apple for a coffee and talk about the Hackels or something. You know I am not very political, but you can amuse me with some prison tales, neighbor!
Happy new year to all. Love our walks on the path, especially the viewings. May your new year be a great one and bring many good blessings your way.
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