So, I guess I won't be using my 20% off coupon at Four Seasons Salon and Spa anytime soon. They were handing out the discounts at adjoining businesses in the shopping center, trying to help the new salon drum up customers. I was awakened from my afternoon lay down, by a text from my friend Brian, informing me of the bust in my (neighbor)hood. Yes, the worlds oldest profession was being practiced right here in my backyard. At the Four Seasons. How 'bout it? We have the usual, garden variety of local crimes your basic pot busts and such, but a "ring of prostitution"? Holy cats. When we had our business in Detroit, it was not unusual to see the girls plying their trade just outside our gate. Niecy and Strawberry were just good old gals, doin' what came naturally in the name of the almighty crack rock. But here in 'burbia? What will they think of next? As something still classified as a "victimless crime", I really don't know how I feel about it. The whole thing involves choices by all involved. The Four Seasons replaced a legitimate salon where the only crime perpetuated was customer no shows, and a less than 20% tip. Maybe a few highlights in questionable taste or a mullet or two in definite bad taste--but no "extra" services, if you know what I mean. So now, women with very little formal massage training, open up a salon and quickly have enough business to warrant complaints from neighbors suspecting something untoward was going on. In a rather high profile shopping center, near my friend Kroger, this service was being offered and apparently well received. The high overhead costs incurred in this location had to require business to be very brisk just to make rent--unlike Strawberry and Niecy with no overhead and prices starting at a very reasonable $5.00 on up. Can't even pretend to understand the financial complexities involved. I guess I feel sorry for anyone needing to frequent the place for anything more than a massage as well as the women who provide it. They probably were victims in their lives long before this unfortunate career choice. Abuse, poverty, drugs, and desperation can suck out all a women's self esteem and make prostitution a viable option. And the job market being at an all time low, doesn't help either. Too bad, sad, and pathetic. I can't imagine feeling that that's all there is. I enjoyed a regular massage from my regular girl, Darcy, last Friday. It felt wonderful and she was able to loosen my neck stress and lower back ache. She is someone I totally trust and feel comfortable with. And she is VERY good at what she does. But, as usual, I digress. I have no prophetic ending for this little news flash. Not even an amusing one. But I will say that I was naive in thinking it wouldn't go on here, under my nose. I hope these women will be able to pursue a healthier, safer, career in the future. And for the customers? You got lucky this time, unlike the women--victims once again. xo
8 months ago
I saw this in the Free Press this morning. I must say though I found your picture much more interesting. Nice...curtains.
Something similar has happened here in New Orleans a few times.
Hey Jodi, A few summers back my wife complained about the neighbor three houses down from us. He took on borders to help offset his house payments. His latest renter, my wife complained, was a prostitute, "I've seen her trolling along Gratiot in Mt Clemens." My response, "Hey, at least she's cutting the grass."
I had just read in the morning paper about the Four Seasons Salon and Spa. Too bad. I hate seeing all that empty space. Perhaps they could've expanded into the old Sears Hardware store. Our Mayberry RFD could use the extra tax money to buy fire-truck ladders that reach all the way to the top of the MetroTowers. Hmmm... I wonder what goes on of there?
I almost made it without a typo. Meant to say: over there.
That is one awesome cool picture ;->
Hard times, Black Markets. On one level it seems kinda funny, but your more serious take is probably closer to the reality. If all want to be treated more fairly, we should legalize it, make sure people avoid STDs, tax it. Just like pot, gambling, booze, etc. Would there be as much crime if things were more legal? I doubt it -- or crime would just move over to other old reliable forms.
I heard about that on the radio yesterday morning!! That is just ridiculous!
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