I hit the local stores last week and snatched up some real bargains. I do this twice a year, in January and then in June. If you know me, you already know that I NEVER pay full price for anything and am not opposed to "thrifting." Because I AM basically thrifty. There really is very little I really need in the way of clothes and such, so they have to almost give it away before I indulge. I can't stand lines or crowds, so it's a good thing I have the luxury of perusing during the week with less people to annoy me. And although I log 5 miles regularly on the path or treadmill, I like to park about 10 steps from the door of any store. Maybe cuz it allows for a quick escape, or at least a shorter walk carrying, oh, say 20 bags full of stuff. It's hard to believe that a store can sell merchandise at 70% off and still be profitable, but my short stint in retail taught me that that is exactly the case. Sweaters I would never pop $80.00 for are a must have at the reduced price of $12.00. I bought my son a watch that was 50% off then 20% off then an additional 10% off! I love it and so does He. Even Mickey got a snazzy new leash. Now, if it would just warm up enough for us to resume our walks, heh Mick? I love buying my gym wear at a deep discount, cuz really all you do is sweat it up. The fact that I go 5+ times a week, makes it necessary to own quite a few pieces--or constantly launder. I am a sucker for jewelry, hats, shoes, purses and accessories in general, so I feel way less guilty paying little or nothing for the stuff. I don't give a rats ass about $300.00 dollar purses or their cheap knockoffs. Sales of this type afford me decent bags that I won't be afraid to drop on the car or bar floor. I also grab up gift items for anyone appropriate and stow it away till birthday or Christmas. It's kinda like a little challenge to get the most bang for your buck. The only time I ever buy books at a "real" bookstore is when they are featured on the clearance table. I usually hit the thrift stores and eventually end up with my picks (I carry around a list) for $2.00 or less. Very important when you read with the voracity of a crack addict. It's a literary treasure hunt! I also find things at the thrift store for my brothers three kids. They love the care packages from Aunt Jodi and it just makes sense, cuz they are growing like weeds and my brother has no time or inclination to shop. My contribution the the green thing, too. And it cracks me up that while they are blowing the winter wear out the door, on the next rack the saleslady is putting out the swimwear. When I glance over she shrugs and says, "lot of people are going on cruises in February." Really. And buyin' up the bathing suits at FULL price. No way, babe--wrong price. And we don't even have to discuss the shopping killjoy of exposing pale, post holiday bods in small rooms with fluorescent lights. Not happenin'. Everybody knows if you have the sense got gave a chicken, you would have purchased the bikini at the end of June when they were 75% off and being sold while on the next rack the current winter coats were being sold. What a debacle. When we retire to the Keys, I hope to enjoy the climate that will basically allow for one type of clothes. So much simpler than this madness. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and enjoy your dreams! xoxo
8 months ago
Hey gorgeous,
LOVE the new pictures! And I know what you mean about reading -- when you read as much as you and I do, you'd best find books cheap! As for my MLK dreams, soon I'd be liberated from the house and return to my old wicked ways -- free at last! :)
Shopping? I'd rather be in a room full of convicts.
I go today to pick up the first new suit of clothes I have ever owned. I did not pay full price for it, got it as a part of buy one get three. My son got the other two...his had a higher price tag then mine which is appropriate because I can't see any event in the future which will require me to be in a suit.
Uhhh...nice hat!
i have have a dream...retire in the keys... i would rather take an ass beating than go shopping. the world wide sportsman may be the only place i would love to go shopping at today. hehe. soon enough. 10 more inches of snow, i am about to take some shots at the plow driver. he hates me. keep your chin up. steve
Speaking of books... I am not a Wally Lamb lover, but his new one is great. The Hour I First Belived was worth the 723 pages. I read it in a week and a half! (Got it from the ever trusty library.) No way in he!! that I was paying $30 retail! Kel ;-)
70 percent off is a bit high for me. I generaly shop second hand for clothes.
Dear Michelle, No gettin' wicked without ME. We could really rip it up! JR--You already are in rooms of convicts! WM--jCongrats on the suit purchase! You can always borrow my hat! Steve--I'm with you! Keys Rock! Kels--i love Wally Lamb and have been waiting for it to appear second hand. Save it for me OK?xo Charles--it was 70% off plus 20% and then 10% for using the plastic. Actually cheaper than used!!! I knew I would take serious flack from you guys--please give the girl a break. My nudity would be worse!!!
We love a good bargain. My daughter said one time when she was young that moms favorite store is Clearance!! The fun is in the hunt for the great bargain. Good coffee and a cart help too. Needs to get warm Mr. Mickey!! Got to get walking.
Jodi...Thank You so much for commenting on my post. It's Great to see a Michigan Blogger!!
Stop by anytime...Galen
My wife says she knows someone who got their husband a gift certicates for the Four Seasons Salon and Spa. I wonder if they used it in time?
Sign of the Times right? Businesses need a little bail out once in awhile.
From what I've heard (from the inside of the Hackel Hotel) the son is worse than the father when it comes to ... well, I think you know what I'm talking about.
I got so excited I spelled "certificate" wrong.
JR--You crack me up when you get too excited to spell. I do that all the time, too. How's the "no smoke" goin' over?
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