I read a review on this movie, had my interest piqued, and finally got to see it. The film I am speaking of is, "Towelhead". If you haven't seen it, I urge you. The film was touted as child porn, depressing, distressing and exploitive, by some and thought provoking, raw, dark, graphic and real by others. Racism and symbolism aside, I wish to discuss the subject matter of the main characters abuse and "awakening." A wonderful cast handles very sensitive subject matter with care and class. Not your typical coming of age film, this story involves a 13 year old girl of American/Lebanese decent from a broken family. Not too much notable there-- except that she is highly sexualized for one of her age, and torn between her liberal Mom and very conservative Dad. I was still reading Nancy Drew at 13 with hardly a thought of sex. So very much a case for that was then, and this is now. We are all aware of the sexual images our kids are exposed to and even "family" movies like "Marley and Me" are full of sex speak and nudity. Girls are starting to mature much earlier than we did and their physical development is crazy! I'd like an opinion as to what it means that girls are now able to birth a baby at 9 years old. I guess the preservatives in our diets help to round out the little bods some. God knows, we were stick thin and had no need for "personal hygiene" items OR bras. Anyway, at first thought, it seemed like Jasira was used and definitely abused by men who should have known WAY better--even being provided with a magazine by the next door pedophile. But on my second viewing, I sort of got a different idea. She was a girl/women aware of her power over men and had no problem using it. She agreed to most encounters, and barely fought off the ones she didn't. Now, you will be thinking that she had no self esteem, but that is not what I got out of it at all. She was aware, curious, and willing. My point is that abstinence as birth control is insane. With reproduction being second only to survival--that is just ignorance giving way to hope. Human nature will override those promises any day. And in a world that bombards us with such images as normal, it makes for a perfect dichotomy. Our bodies tell us when the time is right for us, even if it is socially unacceptable--in our culture anyway. Yet another double standard between society and nature. This and the fact that a movie called "Mall Cop" was number one again at the box office, gives me serious pause. Please let me know what you think.. Stay warm. xo P.S. A heartfelt thanks to Officer Greg Tench of the Macomb County Sheriffs office for rescueing our precious Mickey who got turned around outside last Sunday. Also for Animal Control of Macomb County for treating him and us with compassion. At last, my tax dollars well spent! xoxoxo
8 months ago
There's definitely a "gray area" with this topic; unfortunately, I know too many inmates willing to exploit kids who are still "growing up."
As for "Mall Cop," we are gradually moving toward a world like the one portrayed in the movie "Idiocracy." If you haven't seen it and would like a good laugh, then by all means rent it.
Excellent review. I read that Alan Ball of Six Feet Under etc. made it, and thought it had more to do about post 9/11. Will have to check it out because of your observations and q's.
Seems like about maybe 10% of movies out at any time may be worth a try; the rest look like passive drivel. Why? Drivel is easier, I guess, than thought and challenge.
The sexualization aspect would be tough for me. I'm actually pretty glad I didn't have a daughter, just a son.
raising daughters is a tough job. It has its challanges and its rewards. I love a good movie but I hate the kind of comedy in mall Cop. I think I will pass.
Welcome home Mickey. No more wandering the hood. Hope you liked your ride the police car, just don't do it again.
Having had encounters with underage females in the poetry venues I still wonder at the proclivity for casual sex among their peer group.
Young women, girls really, reveling in the fact of multiple lovers by the ripe mature age of 15. Even my way left of center liberal mind is not able to wrap its meager resources around what we condone in society and wonder at the causes of this casual attitude.
Movies, videos, music, advertisement all of it seems to be changing the boundaries of common sense.
It is a new world for sure but not a brave one, just self-indulgent.
Hey JR--good word "idiocracy." Erik--"passive drivel" as entertainment for the masses scares the hell out of me. Charles--as parents of sons only, we can only try to teach them sensitivity and respect--and SAFETY!! WM--It does seem that multiples partners early on is worn as a badge of honor. And we call ourselves evolved. Rose-- Keep that Sarebear under lock and key. Here beauty will be her curse. And yours. Mickey loves his Auntie Rose. xoxo
Sounds like an interesting movie. That kind of "subject matter" takes on a whole new meaning when you have a daughter!!! I can't take it!
Hey lovely Jodi,
I agree -- it is scary out there. I'm very liberal (like Mark) and I still fear for girls and their casual attitudes toward conquests -- sex is dangerous (not just in the physical sense) and wonderful and complicated -- I don't think that's taught enough. People either try to scare the hell out of kids (sex means you're going to hell) or we start dressing our six year olds like strippers. No balance, sadly. Mall Cop scares me. More than sex or stripers. :)
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