Hello and witness the picture of me slaving away.
On occasion, it has been alluded (both boldly, and veiled) to the fact that I have a cushy life, devoid of worry and free from the drudge of work. I've been accused of the proverbial kept woman that sleeps till noon and then lounges for hours on the divan with bon bons and soap operas.
Well, let me tell ya, it's not all been pink ponies and popsickles.
Eschewing college, in favor of "adult life" put me in the most crazy job situation ever. With little or no experience, I waitressed at 2 fine fine dining establishments, bartended top end and at private parties, I sold furniture, was a real estate sexratary, taught summer school gymnastics, babysat, was a file clerk and later a travel agent, acted as "Charlie's Angel", (see 6/28 Angel post) bartended some more, worked retail at the mall, worked as a dental assistant, and taught aerobics and weight training--all before the age of 26 when I decided it was time to pursue higher education. From here I went to a 10 month Beauty College and got my licence and worked in 3 different salons before my "retirement" 5 years ago.
It was fun, risky, enlightening, tough and HARD. I learned to be quite fast on my feet.
Now, I work every Tuesday in our warehouse. I start at 9:00 and finish whenever and make ALL the hard decisions--like where to get lunch. Or what flowers to plant in the front of the office. Then there is the cocktail/dinner dilemma to get worked out. And I even make coffee! I have tried to get fired many times, but as you can see, my position is very important to our overall success. The things we do for love.
Now, if I could just get a divan and some bon bons for afternoon break.
Reminds me of making acrylic, magnetic, locker mirrors. Now I'm teaching in the looney bin thanks to the Huron Valley Prison switch. I'm envious. I wish I could cut my hours and survive, but I need more hours and may not survive.
I can't say much, being off in the summer and all.
Beautiful. And I'm guessing you could do a complete post on each and every one of 'em "at your leisure." Very cool photo, too!
I certainly hope that you paid the worker you made step aside for the time it took to pose for the picture...ha ha ha ha Jodi...I doubt that you could sit an be a bonnie bon bon lassie for very long. You'd get bored.
Work it....Work it....Work it
wow! THAT is jack of all trades! So much 'swinging to extremes' variety!
But keeping on doing something in itself is a good feeling!
Tuesdays are the best day of my work week. Forget about getting fired. there have been fill ins but none as fun as you!!!Those "working " dinners have been the best. If you could just get that 2 o clock nap it would be the perfect day.
I 'll bring the bon bons next week!!
You should be wearing safety glasses, that is all. Wait, I didn't mean it like you should only be wearing, I mean come to think of it that would be really cool, oh never mind.
Wil Harrison.com
you taught gymnastics?? I can't even figure out how that is done.
J.R.-When did you make these locker mirrors? Charles-Yay,you! Erik-Oh,God, the stories. They seem to leak outta me slowly.. Thanks for the compliment! Mark, I DO work. I musta bent 3 or 4 of those wire thingies! And I am NEVER bored. Too many books, too little time. Anon-You know I do! Mona- I have always been a variety/spice of life girl! I use work for a learning experience. Rosegarden-Right on, and I will hold you to the bon bons! Wil-you are a very dirty boy. Ha! I don't wear safety glass, steel toed boots or long pants! Nudity by all of our warehouse workers would certainly be a good laugh. So sorry about your baseball misfortunes! Noisysmile--I was a child/teen gymnast on a private team and competed thru high school. I still help kids whenever I can. And yes, I can still do some of the stuff--splits included! xoxoxo to all!
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