Inspired by dollfriend Michelle's post (Michelle Spell), I am going to try to address the difference in men and women--in my humble opinion. This ought to be good huh?
Michelle references Phillip Roth whose portrayal of women seems typical and mostly based upon our hormones. I think I read 'Portnoy's Complaint' in high school, or maybe just carried it around to impress someone, although I can't imagine who. Probably Mr. Jason, my favorite teacher whom I had a crush on (I later found out over cocktails, years later, that he was similarly enamored)! Oh, the power...
To me, I will own all of our differences and give the responsible nod to plain old hormones. Yes, we can become hysterical and illogical. Yes, we tend to go on and on over our female 'condition(s)'. Can ya blame us? Our emotional issues are simply due to the fact that we deal with a hormonal stew that keeps stirring around almost hourly sometimes. And the fact that we tend to express ourselves much more vocally than men on that, and most other subjects, makes it seem even more so.
We are genetically programmed to have specific roles at birth where we are set up to carry and nurture babies. Mentally and physically. Men, the lucky shits, can do their little part and move on to male bonding and providing food and shelter and possibly providing the seed for more babies. That part of their lives is so much less physically responsible. Even women in executive positions, who are bosses over men, still are looked at for the original role and expected to do both; whereas the duality for men is only sometimes recognized.
Men being the more (or so they say) 'visual' of the two sexes, will always see us for the beauty and child bearing attributes first. It's just nature trying to proagate and procreate the survival of the fittest. I doubt if they will ever care if we have read 'Portnoy's Complaint' upon first glance...except of course for Mr. Jason that is. Porn will always appeal to men with its imagery that sets up for sex and little else. A woman in charge of the same 'movie' would have the scene include wine, chocolate, back rubs the male 'talent' cleaning up something and WANTING to hear about our feelings--all before tucking us in for a lovely nap...But to me, that is part of the differences--based on, well, the basics.
If I sound like a setback for all women, I don't mean to. Our nature varies enough for this theory to not always be the norm. But, I do believe it explains things naturally. I love my role and wouldn't trade it. Can't help it. But as Jessica Rabbit spectacularly once said, "I'm not bad, I was just drawn that way."
Happy 10-10-10 to all my Honey's!!! xoxo
I was looking through your blog, and I really like the style and themes you have here. I have an invitation for you to visit my art blog, and if you follow me, I will follow you... :)
So what do you think?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Some day I will post on this subject. Some day.
And here i was brought up to think that the main difference between men and women is that we grow better beards.
Alright, now you need to out up a full on pic of the hair. I need to see it!
Good one -- on target (that's the visual in me ;)
I do notice a lot more men who act like "traditional women" about relationships than say 25 years ago (I don't mean sexual orientation-wise), but as you say, there's a lot of variety within the general parameters. I.e., women seem to hold more of the cards than they used to, even if it's still also a "Man's Man's Man's World."
Genius post, gorgeous! Couldn't agree more. Men and women always will be different and I am ever so glad! Miss you much and hope to see you soon. (check email -- I have some good news!) xo
The eternal cold war raging still?
I guess men and women are just ...different!
Jesse-Welcome and I promise to visit soon. Charles-CHICKEN!!!Mark-I was hoping for some Walking Man wisdom..Kels-hope to see you in person soon! Erik-I knew you would get it! Michelle-u got it girl. Mona-welcome back, dear. No war--just life. Have a great week no matter what sex u are!!xoxoxoxo
How in the HELL did I miss the "Butt Post" ???
Jeez, I need to keep on top of things !
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