Note the Mary Kay pink ride gone cra-zazy. This sporty lady was spotted by dear friends, Brian and Kelly while at Detroit's Eastern Market on Saturday. Girlfriend was workin' the hell outta her pink! Totally pinktastic!
I have always had a kind of love/love relationship with pink. It's the color that defined my gender at the moment of birth. Once I suffered pink eye, first in one eye and then the other garnering me a week off work and some serious ugliness to boot. I coveted the pink Barbie Jeep, but (sigh) had to make a pink Kleenex box do. Pink was an unlikely color for the famous panther, but did very little to curb his suave and debonair style. The same could be said for Pink Floyd and Alecia Moore,who's stage name is Pink. My favorite wig is Cleopatra style -and pink! I have 4 pink flamingos in the yard at the beach house-totally kitchy. I enjoy looking at them while sipping a vodka and pink lemonade-so much more festive than the yellow kind!
When on Mackinaw Island, The Pink Pony is a favorite watering hole. Even in my 'black' stage of wardrobe, my lipstick was still Pink Parfait. John Hughes scored big when he named his 80's movie, "Pretty in Pink". When visitors to Key West become over- served, a pepto bismol pink taxi will get you home safely. Victoria's Secret has a whole line of sportswear called 'Pink", and I enjoy lounging in them while reading 'Pink is the new Blog'. I once bought a cell phone just because it was sparkly pink. I have Bazooka bubblegum pink Everlast boxing gloves that make it hard for the men in class to take my hits seriously. Happily, I've never recieved a 'pink slip'. American Cancer Society uses a pink ribbon as their symbol. And as a lover of Valentines day, pink roses and candy tickle me pink.
So where will this madness end? Luckily for you, my dear readers-NOW. Just shows how much I can run on, rant and rave over just one little word! Hope this finds y'all in the pink as you begin another week. Pink kisses to all. xx
GOOD GOD!!!! That ride hurt my eyes and the rest of the pink needs pictures especially of a certain blond in her pink wig wearing her pink bikini.
Groovy car, indeed.
I'm thinking "Pinko" for fellow travelers in the 60s, Beatniks and such, and the old language from hundreds of years ago:
'Tis the Pink of the Mode, to marry at first Sight: - And some, indeed, marry without any Sight at all.
Cheers & chuckles~~
I like pink, on women.
Jodi we need to talk with R to get you one of these picktastic rides.....it even had a classic/historic car license plate on it....We couldnt stop taken pictures along with a whole slew of cars doing the same thing.
Pink Rules ;)
Mark-now THAT pic would surely burn your eyes! Will this weeks pic do? xo Erik-Groovy is right! Pinko flashbacks to all! I want to see Mark in a pink polo! Charles-men look great in pink, get Lana to hook ya up! Bri-thanks for the pic, but I will stick to Denzel Washington for my ride! Happy Fall to all! xo
The first thing we said was, send that pic to Jodi! She was hanging on to her hat with one hand and drinkin a timmy ho ho's coffee with the other. And she about caused a collision jut by being there!
Sorry I missed you this weekend xxxxx Hugs! Kel
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