So, having babies is a natural part of life, right? Why then, are we so fascinated by stories of birth and babies? First there was the 'Octomom' in all her in-vitro, secret baby daddy, surgery to look like Angelina Jolie, posing nude to support her brood NUTTINESS. Yes, she was the proverbial train wreck that truly was hard to look away from, especially because the media was apparently starved for real news. Then somehow the fascination continued when the idea of Kate Gosselin and her 'plus eight' became worthy of a television series. During prime time. Really? I hate reality t.v. and this convinced me why. Staged chaos is idiotic and so is exploiting the babies.
A dear friend of mine was one of nine children and tells real stories of growing up in a large family. I know of another couple who had a baby at fifteen years old and then delivered twins nine months later. Can you even imagine being 16 with 3 children under the age of 1? Now that was a wild reality that was survived with love and dignity. (Mom and Dad are still married!)
I read in the paper today that a woman delivered a baby after running half of a 26 mile marathon. Huh? Why weren't you home with your feet elevated eating 'Heavenly Hash' ice cream-my favorite indulgence during gestation. I could hardly 'run' to the bathroom hours before delivering my son!
And then there is that show that shows women having babies that DIDN'T REALIZE THEY WERE PREGNANT! That's the one that blows my mind. I knew I was with child the very next morning when my beloved coffee turned my stomach. I mean weren't the sore breasts, swollen ankles, and the giant pony keg belly a dead give away? I knew a girl in junior high that was doing cartwheels in the yard the night before she had a baby that she was not expecting. Another acquaintance thought she was gaining weight until her stomach ache proved to be labor pains. And both of the girls parents involved were in total shock. So I guess it does happen, but mostly to very young girls. Still, the phenomenon confounds me..
I always wanted a second child, but it was not in the cards for me. I'm anxious for the day to be a 'Nanna' but that won't be happening anytime soon. So, for now my granddog Mickey will have to sit in, or sit ON which is usually the case. Enjoy the gorgeous fall weather friends. xoxo
Yeah, not knowing your pregnant boggles my mind too. The power of denial I guess. but just wow.
Ditto Charles.
My grandmother was 49 when she had her last kid. Weird -- no fertility drugs, just weird.
I heard of a woman in Vermont who was charged with abusing her unborn child for jogging when she was eight months pregnant. That was way back in the 1980's, though.
Talk of babies has this old dude running for the hills and hiding; no need for me to start over in that department.
Now that's a real dog!
Charles-I never thought of the denial possibility! Erik-now Honey, at 49, Gramma was totally viable to have a baby. It's mostly society that tells is we are too old! But, if I were to get pregnant now, (and I still could!)I would jump off a bridge into waters teeming with sharks!! Andy-really? Pre natal care seems to have come a long way since then! J.R.- who knows, maybe you will hook up with someone with younguns! Yes, our Mickey is a real dog! xoxo and happiness to you all. Lovelovelove xoxo
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