As kids when we were stocking up on items for Devil's Night at the local IGA, the cashier would remind us that she knew our parents and that we better not be getting into any trouble tonight. Trouble? Why on earth would the purchase of cheap toilet paper, Barbasol shaving cream, and enough eggs to feed the Dugar family arouse any suspicion? Later on we learned to purchase risky items (Boone's Farm, ciggies, condoms, etc.) at stores where our anonymity was guaranteed. Ahh, the small town lessons learned the old fashioned way-the hard way!
As we struck out on our missions of devilry, things did not always go as planned. Late October in northern Michigan was usually cold and rainy. And we were usually dressed more to look cute than to stay warm. Most often, the toilet paper got more soaked then used for decoration and many an egg was dropped from our cold hands before hitting their mark. Lots of times we ended up throwing them at the boys who were somehow always milling about our circle of girlies. It was revelry that leaded up to the big event that had us hitting up the very same houses for candy. No real damage was done and it was mostly just a way to seem cool and adventurous. And hang out with the boys that were always milling about!
Do kids even participate any more? Doesn't seem to me that today's youth has the gumption to get out there and be silly. Maybe there is a virtual devil's night that can be had while sitting down in front of a computer. Or just maybe some facebook stalking would do the trick. Too bad because being bad used to feel so good! Happy Devil's Night and Happy Halloween! xoxo
Locally, a lot of parents either have Halloween parties or take their kids to such parties. There's not nearly the amount of street tricking and treating there used to be
Yes~~ all aboard for funtime. We'd get into mischief, my sibs and friends, similarly. Life was no less scary then, I don't think, either. We were told, if someone "bad" approached, run like the dickens!
p.s. I dig the Purple Pumpkin Eater, deep purple, coolio~
Happy Hallowe'en and Samhain, Jodi ~!
Cool Pic, reminds me of Guns-n-Roses too. Thanks for taking me back to the good 'ole days of Halloween (simple costumes, eggs, pranks, parents half in the bag giving out candy) Where I live, they set hours on trick or treating, and because of the ice / snowstorm we got hit with Saturday night, they postponed T-or-T to this Saturday night. What has the world come to!
Kind of looks like one of those left handed cigarettes in his mouth. What kind of party is this?
Charles, I didn't even have one little beggar this year! Erik-Yes, times were most definatly different than and we had most the same advice! Sean-welcome to the 'spot'. You are right, the pumpkin does have a GnR look! Weren't those the good old days? I will check out your site. Will-You got the eye 'ol Willy Boy. I rolled it myself in leiu of the one my buddy Marty will give him! Happy November y'all. xo
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