Do you suppose that 11 is some people's lucky number because of this universal alignment? Seems people are always searching for some sign that will bring them luck. When I turned 18, back in the day, I went to BINGO with my Gramma. There I witnessed people rabid with the 'lucky number' fever! They sorted and carefully selected their cards with certain numbers in mind to aid them in winning the big jackpot. It was amazing that such a random thing as bingo numbers could somehow be chosen with luck and logic to cause a hand shoot in the air with the proclamation of BINGO. And the numbers were not the only thing. Some gamblers had good luck charms and totems that crowded their space. Pictures of grand kids, lucky pennies, trolls, and other assorted goodies were displayed and touched for luck during the games. It was crazy! And what the hell is lucky about pennies? Maybe if you have like, a gajillion of 'em....
So, do you believe in luck or is everything a pre-determined fate? Will the bingo win happen if you just randomly grab some cards, like I did? Or can you make your own luck? Are we lucky in love or have we just finally learned to compromise? The near miss car accident - luck or just good timing?
Weigh in for me, will y'all? Luck or fate. Which do you think sums up your best and/or worst experiences? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know!
I wore number 11 in high school for football and it was a pretty lucky number for me.
Neither luck nor fate but navigation. Life's little and big outcomes are a result of our ability to navigate the paths and rivers.
Though one of my sons got married to his Thai wife on 8-8-8 and now is in Thailand where they got remarried in a Buddhist ceremony on 11-11-11.
My only thought on that is the 9999 dollars this trip is going to cost them.
Combo, luck and fate. There's got to be some wiggling room for free choice, too, I hope.
But who knows? What is time all about, a straight line, a circle, a multi-dimension we barely fathom, inside infinity? It's hard to comprehend, except for maybe from inside the conciousness of God, the godhead, the Universal Mind, Allah, Brahman, the tao?
Hi Jodi! Sorry I haven't even had time to look at your blog, we are soooo busy...thats a good thing right boss! I miss my daily bright spot. I know people can get some crazy ideas in their heads when it comes to luck! When I was a little girl I would think if I could just find a four leaf clover all my dreams would come true. My brothers and my sister and I would go on the hunt for them. Certain something magical was gonna happen if we found one. But we quickly learned from the old rabbit's foot that is not the case. LOL Hope all is well and wow what a hottie from the gym you always snag the good ones!!! Love ya
Charles-then lucky 11 it is!! Mark-I am 'lucky' to be coffeein' with you and Jim tomorrrow. Can't wait! xo Erik-I tend to acknowledge signs that I like and dismiss all the others! Jeano-Hi and I miss u! We used to hunt for four leaf clovers too! Yes, that boy is on fire! Call u soon. Happy Thanksgiving to all. xoxo
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