In one of my favorite movies, "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Audrey Hepburn plays a young, single girl about town. At that time, approximately 1961, she was considered a modern day prostitute. The fact that she was beautiful and chose her men well made it all seem somehow okay. Even charming. And how about that foxy George Peppard? They made dating for money totally glamorous!
On 'Sex and the City', when Carrie found that an overnight guest had left money on her nightstand, the possibilities of a prostitution label had again, to be considered. Does dinner and a movie count as 'payment'? If so, then I have to accept the label myself.
Now, in the news, once again, is the worlds oldest profession. In Columbia, one of our Secret Service Agents did not pay the nice lady and she refused to leave the hotel causing an uproar. And begging the question-should any of this really be illegal?
There are many fine lines in this argument, and good points to be made either way. Maybe legalization and the use of brothels would be much safer and regulated. Isn't it going to happen anyways?
When visiting Toronto one time, the local 'ladies of the night' hung out at the corner and politely said hello to me and also policemen walking by. They seemed perfectly healthy and happy out plying their trade and dishing out doggie treats to passing pooches out for their nightly walks. I confess to not really knowing enough facts about Canada's law to accurately discuss this-just saying what I saw. It seems to me that the real crime is the pimps and traffickers that use coercion and exploitation.
What is your opinion/experience on the subject? I am curious to know what you all think. Drop a line here at the jspot and let me know. And I will pay YOU, in coffee sometime. xo
P.S. after numerous attempts, blogger will not allow paragraphs today. Bear with me, and this means YOU, Mark!!!! xxoo
How'd you expect me to get through that with no paragraphs?
Nice rig there Audrey, where in hell did you get that cigarette holder? I assume the vodka then did not treble your distaste for anything clown (etc.) related and you had a good time?
I am all for legalizing anything that is consensual for an adult. Prostitution, drugs, gathering to redress grievances against the government...adults for the most part know what they should or should not do and there is no evidence that partaking of the above activities harms anyone.
Gun rights are pretty far out there now and if we don't ban them in any way shape or form why ban anything to do with personal moral behaviors?
Legalizing prostitution in America will not kill the sex trafficking industry but it would slow it quite a bit and who knows it may even at least kill that particularly odious circumstance in America.
First of all, great photo - wow!
Second, of course prostituion should be legal and apparently is in that zone of Colombia. Basically, it's more of an embarrassment for "Support Our Troops" than anything else, especially if they have taken churchy wedding vows and etc. Then it's cally hypocrisy -- examples being Ted Haggard and any other do as I say not as I do man (or more rarely, woman). Oh yeah, and apparently it's being legalized or decriminalized in Ontario, so I'm sure that'll boost Canadian tourism. ;->
You look marvvelous darling!! You did Audrey proud!! Great charity to support. Hope a few vodkas eased your fears.!!! Gotta buy you that gnome for your garden!!! Dinner and a movie still just needs to be just that. It's hard to be someone else's moral compass!! Making things leagal or illegal won't stop those who will do what they will!!
Mark, Yes, the vodka did the trick and I was able to face the clown. Sort of. I agree that as long as things are consensual....we can only try to protect ourselves. xo Erik-Thanks Baby!!! It was very cool being glamours for a second, but I found all those accessories cumbersome! The gloves! The ciggie! The hat, oh my! Rose-I agree on all counts, but let's get one thing straight. There will NEVER be a gnome in my yard!! I walk way around those damn things! xo Thank you to you sweet three for your thoughtful comments. xoxoxo
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