Happy Earth Day, Darlings!! This week has been crazy busy for me, starting with a visit from dear friend Mark who helped me shop out the greater Macomb County and eat and cocktail our way thru about 10 restaurants. Anything to help keep the economy movin'! The week ended (only just!) delightfully with a woodsy get away where I learned about deer ticks. Don't ask...
Unpacking, then a hot bath ( to ensure drowning of any errant ticks), and I can relax.
A quick perusal of the Detroit News/Free Press will give me just a shot of reality as I move into another week. And the news is not good.
I can no longer read the Key West Citizen online without paying for a subscription. Sigh.. It's fun keeping up on happenings of my 'other' home. Get the plastic and get it over with.
Still no arrests in the tragic Trayvon Martin shooting. I can barely get thru the details that are a questioning factor in this case. A boy was shot. Arrest and move on, and give Trayvon's death some justice.
It's Earth Day again, and I am sorely reminded the difference in the clean roads everywhere BUT Michigan. When traveling home from Florida, the roadsides were pristine and it was not unusual to see old fashioned chain gangs hard at work. But in Michigan-garbage and junk everywhere. What's up with that?
And are we truly worried about what Ben Wallace will do in the future? Hell, I was amongst his biggest fans. How about retire with your millions and go work at a car dealership or something, comfortable in the fact that you made us Piston fans very happy-for a time. Financial security should allow for some pretty open options.
The man who had two babies is divorcing his wife. Really? And I thought that would surely end happily. Really? It was such a solid plan, after all.
Brad and Angie are jumping the broom! So what? Does anyone think that a six carat, custom diamond ring will ensure marital bliss? The money would be beter off spent buying Angie a cheeseburger. Skinny bitch.
As you can see, I am tired and rambling-and SNARKY. Also suffering from a raging case of heartburn brought on by a very hearty gnaw at a cool b.b.q. joint, which is doing nothing for my overall tolerance. It's off to bed with a Tum for my tummy. The best news is that tomorrow is a new day, and I promise to face it with a more 'j-ish' (as Charles would say) attitude!
Love to you all. xo
8 months ago
Unfortunately, this week begins a lot of grading for me. But I'll dig out from under it. I take tums for heartburn. I take a lot of tums.
Jodi next Earth Day I am going to celebrate it your way.
Ha, Jodi, it sounds like Michigan needs to break out the old Iron Eyes Cody ads . . . Keep Michigan Beautiful!
TX breaks out the prisoners to do the work, I guess. But there are dirty roads in parts of TX, too.
Here's to fresh water, clean roads and high quality booze ~~!
Charles-Tums help, but Rolaids seem to be the real deal. I remember my Dad guzzling baking soda and water for the same problem! Mark-Did I really celebrate it, or just bitch about it? xo Erik-The toast is fantastic! I like how you think! Bottoms up! Thank you all my loyals. I am honored by your input and loyalty. xoxo
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