Happy April Fool's Day my lovely fools!! The joke was on me today as I arrived home to a 55 degree Michigan day. However, April first has always signified the beginning of spring and happy weather times until sometime next December. Trees are in bloom everywhere and my magnolia tree is loaded and ready to pop any day now. Daffodils and tulips are adding much needed color in the yard also. I get so excited seeing them and get much less worked up over the bougainvillea in Florida that is always in bloom. It's easy to take their beauty for granted,
I love spring. It's so fresh and clean and new. Which currently is exactly the very polar opposite of how I am now feeling. Much good comes from having a month off, but boy, when reality hits-it hits hard. The longer you are away, the tougher the re-entry. I have about a foot of mail and newspapers and magazines to go thru. Stopping these services (you can do it online, of course!) and having them all delivered at once is convenient, but it truly is overwhelming en mass! And there is barely a scrap of food up in here!! You can bet a quick run out for Half n Half is happen sooner than later, with a full on Kroger run tomorrow when I have a modicum of energy in this old bod.
And speaking of the old bod, it's back to the gym for me. And I will be upping the ante on Mickeys walks. That fool dog is like the best exercise plan known to man. He happily will escort me on a walk or run anytime. I'm hoping his enthusiasm will rub off, cuz I gotta shake this Keys Disease that has turned me into a lazy slug.
I've barely watched anything on the boob tube other than the weather channel which I am convinced that runs a steady loop of 85 and sunny, 24/7 in the Keys. My DVR is full of shows I may never be able to catch up on, including Sex and The City reruns that I have seen, oh say, about a thousand times each. Maybe I will just erase them all without viewing 'em again.....
April Fools!!! xo
I know what you mean about returning after a period off. Stuff doesn't stop happening just because you're taking a break. Luck in digging out of it all.
So what you're saying there Jodi is you should never leave? Nahhh! But bring that 74 and sunny shit back with you next time will ya?
Hey Jodi, welcome back to Michigan. I'm still running ... been doing it all winter long and into spring (148.8 miles for March). Folks just got back from Florida too.
Welcome back to sunny Michigan. Just in time for some Tigers baseball. If you ever need some company on those walks with Mickey, let me know!! Happy Easter!!!
Charles-WHAT!! The world did NOT stop turning because I was on vaycay? I hate when that happens! Mark-As much as I love the Keys, it will never be home. I am glad to be back! J.R.-you amaze me. I took Mick for a long walk and was sore for days! C U soon? Rosegarden-Tigers ROCK and I sported my colors in the Keys and got many thumbs ups and fist bumps! Yay, our Boys of Summer! I am home for a few more weekends, so Mickey will schedule a walk with Aunt Rose soon! Happy Easter to all of you. xoxo
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