Hi-didja miss me? Because this past week on the "As Jodi's World Turns" has been particularily crazy and lucky you-I will not bore you with the gory, boring details. However, it did feel weird not posting at my usual day.
So, on Friday I almost got poor Denzel rear ended when I saw a store called 'Time Warp' advertising antiques and oddities. Well, didn't I just have to throw a hard (and fast) left turn to go in and check this shit out! (Regards and apologies to the lady I cut off so abruptly, it was not necessary to honk and throw me that dirty look..freak!) I do love a good odditie, and this store did not disappoint. One coral colored pedicured toe in the door and I realized that this was not your average resale. I gasped as I saw the bowls my Grandma and Mom once had in the cool aqua porcelin, as well as the Corning Wear dish sets. Gorgeous lamp bases and those black ceramic panthers made me wish I had a room to do over in total seventies fabulousity.
I got lost browsing around until I had to make the hard decision. A Pillsbury Doughboy cookie jar? Nah, cuz then I'd have to fill it with cookies and well, cookies and me are already too good of friends. The yard gnome is most definatly OUT, I hate those creepy things and would never curse my yard with one. A New Kids on The Block shirt, yeah...I don't think so. And then I spotted Ben. Gleefully, I snatched up the pictured bobblehead and was tickled to try out the tiny basketball button, and yes! his head did bobble. What a find! Now, you may remember that my sister-by-another-mother, Michelle of Michelle's Spell fame, scored the same find herself awhile ago and happily rescued her Ben from a thrift store. As Big Ben's biggest supporters back in the day, this is a treasure to us both. While sorting thru say, a million or so concert buttons, I ferreted out not one, but TWO count 'em, Prince buttons. Prince should never be relegated to a 'button box' and I promise to honor his Purpleness with far more reverence. And last, but certainly not least, behind the counter I spyed (it is imperative to 'spy' in these venues) a drinking glass with perfect Wonder Woman graphics. Wonder Woman! I will leave the obvious connection for you to connect. I coolly inspected it and bargained the jewel down a few bucks. Yesyesyes! Nothing like a little 'resale therapy' to cheer you up after a particulary trying week!
By the time I handed over my plastic to pony up for the goodies I had made a new friend. The owner of the store loved my choices and we bonded while reminiscing about the good old eighties and our legendary disco days. And those darn kids just have no respect these days. I swear, if that guy coulda made me a sandwich, I'd probably still be there blabbin' away. Sigh. What can I say? It was a whole lot of fun for very little money, and I will be stopping back to treasure hunt again. It's one of my favorite things to do.
Enjoy your week and take a moment to 'spy your treasures'-I promise you won't be sorry! xo P.S. my computer is acting up and won't allow me to spell check. Please be gentle...
8 months ago
Sounds like you have fun everywhere you go, and others do to!
Hey Jodi, always in the mood for a good 'time warp' -- this sounds like a groovy place, indeed ~!
I love a good resale shop. I just visited one in Mt Clemens. there is also a good one in rochester!! The fun is in the hunt for a hidden treasure!! Love your little treasures that you found!! Have a great week and stay cool!!!
Mark-thanks alot, Buddy. Wiki helped me learn your word!o Charles-I guess I do! Erik-Let's do the Time Warp! Oh so very groovy babee.. Rosegarden-I know you do! Your right on that one-it's all in the hunt. xo Enjoy the temps y'all now that the weather has finally cooled. Even Mickey has had it with these 'dog days'! xoxo
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