Aah, the sweet days of strolling Ann Arbor in a halter dress are done and over for another year. I love AA, a perfect college town with an eclectic mixture of culture and collegiate. Art, beer, dining and youth make it a favorite place of mine-culture vulture that I am. I love to pretend I'm a University of Michigan student doing my thing instead of an aging yuppie horning in on all the fun. Oh well, I can dream can't I?
It's officially fall. I have the 'yard dudes' coming over tomorrow to help me put my yard to bed. Today for the first time, I have the fireplace on. The days are getting so short and I will be happy to 'fall back' when that time comes. The leaves on our street are slowly getting orange and my planters have officially given up their color. One lowly white iris stubbornly is blooming.
Of course the two wins the Tigers have had over the Yankees have me jazzed. We have tickets to tomorrows game and I can't wait. It's not going to be a tank top and cutoffs night, tho. I will be digging out the sherpa coat, boots and mittens to cheer our boys on.
Pretty routine week here at the ranch. Sometimes I like it that way. Enjoy your fall and the changes it brings. xo
8 months ago
Only a girly girl puts her tank tops away before Christmas. How can you root for the tigers tank topless?
still warm enough for tank tops here. You should winter in Louisiana.
My father studied at Michigan state University...U of M is different I guess.
Its still very warm at our place and we have ceiling fans still running :)
Love the fall colors!! Been pulling out the fall decorations and putting the summer decor away!!! Loving the Tiger's sweep of the Yankies!!! It was so awesome!! Saw a clip of you at the game. Looks like you had fun! World series here we come!! Can't wait till Wednesday!!!!
Howdy Jodi, it's all good ~! I love that angle on the State Theatre. You can always be a student in Ann Arbor, or a professor if your prefer. Meanwhile, way to go Tigers ~! Still hot in Texas. A new "airborne event" in the Gulf, Sandy.
Mark, I AM a girly girl-just not one willing to freeze her goods off at the game! Charles-I am envious of your weather, and I plan to visit Louisana someday. The Keys are where I will light come March! Mona, I went to gymnastics camp at MSU, but UofM campus in Ann Arbor rocks!! Rosegarden-Yes, the game was a blast and Wednesday is in two more days! WhooHoo! Erik, I love your support, but now I am a student of food, drink and fashion while visiting AA. What airborne event in the gulf, Sandy??? Thank you all for your charming comments-you know I love it!!! xo
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