Check out my girl Kristin and me showing off our new sexy specs! Hers are Chanel! and mine are Brighton, if anyone really gives a rats ass. Both of us are sun glass crazy and could be seen sporting them around Eastern Market as we tailgated for the Lions game yesterday. This shot was at one of our favorite watering holes-Vivio's where we talked our way OUT of the five dollar cover charge (the bouncer was an easy target) and enjoyed Bloody Mary's-mine virgin and spice free due to my still spongy stomach. No matter, they were delicious and sooooo awesome.
However, not so awesome was our team, the Detroit Lions. Amidst high hopes for the season, they simply cannot seem to get it together. That I carefully gather from what others say and the approximately 2 minutes that I actually paid attention. Sort of. Oh well, my beloved Detroit Tigers took up all the slack with their fantastic win which puts them even closer to being in the AL Central Pennant race. Just 3 more games left!!! And with our own Miguel Cabrera in the run for the Triple Crown, things are really heating up. I LOVE baseball and I have explained before, it's in in my D.N.A, as my whole family are rabid fans dating back to my grandpa and probably beyond. On my Mother's visit, (she left Sunday, boohoo!) she was glued to the Ryder Cup, a big tournament in golf. I don't much care for golf, but I love her enthusiasm. Up north, my Dad, Brother, and Sister as well as most of my Uncles were similarly engaged, probably wearing out the 'last' remote button as they flip back and forth not to miss anything! It's our passion. Yes, you could call us sports nuts. Or just plain nuts-that works too.
Oct. 01 marks the start of a full month of Breast Cancer Awareness. Let's be thoughtful of ALL cancer and it's insidious effects on the people and the families suffering from it. A phone call, card or kind words can go along way. Hell, I just had a minimally invasive and minor surgery and was totally touched by the outpouring of concern. It makes me renew my resolve to be a more thoughtful person.
Enjoy this glorious fall week and GO TIGERS!!!! xo
8 months ago
Detroit looks better than my saints, sad for me to say.
The Tigers and Miguel Cabrera didi not dissapoint!! What a wonderful end to the regular season!!!! Been lovin my Tigers since I was a kid!! Hope you will get clearance at your next dr. visit!! Go Tigers! Looking forward to the playoffs!!
Charles-our Lions have a LONG way to go. rosegarden-Doc says the coast is clear. Go Tigers! Call ya for a walk soon, girl. Charles and Rose, xoxoxoxo
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