Bet you almost didn't recognize Cheryl and I without our bikinis and beer! Such is life. Ah, but it's fall and that calls for sweaters and water. Water? Things are getting crazy up in here!!!
On this night, I am over my beloved Tigers loss in the world championship. It was fun while it lasted and a real good ride. Some gets to win and someone has to lose. Life throw even the best a real tricky curve ball sometimes. Till next year, guys....
And what the crazy hell is up with Hurricane Sandy? It's rare that that type of storm hits so far north. I feel horrible for the tragedy that has effected so many lives and promises to change many more. We are most assuredly lucky and blessed that only big waves and high wind will hit here. I have watched news coverage till I am sick about the devastation that is occurring. I hate weather extremes and wonder why it seems we have so many of them lately. Last year it hit 80 degrees in a snow less March and then was followed by the hottest summer on record. Nothing spooks me more than high wind. I didn't leave the house today and do not plan to do so tomorrow either.
And on the circle of life front, I have to congratulate friends Mandy and Goci on the birth of their beautiful baby boy. Luka is gorgeous and I am excited for their new and enriched lives. And almost on the same stroke of time, I must send out my sympathy for my dear friend Tim, who has lost his brother Marvin, all too soon and all too quickly. Beginnings and endings fill my thoughts, along with everything that falls in between.
Stay well my darlings, no matter what life has in store this week. There are no guarantees. xo
8 months ago
Don't worry, we will always recognize you by your smile :)
Its global warming I guess...
Jodi you have it backwards cold windy and wet weather is exactly the right time for bikinis. Trust me on this.
You know you are the only one i know of who has even mentioned the world series around here. It was like no one even thought about it with all the other crap going on.
I will agree that was a hell of a big storm though--I was kind of hoping Chis Christie would have his large as blown out to sea but instead the HMS Bounty was sunk. *sigh8 so much for Hollywood props.
Life and death what a finish.
Sounds like life goes on, storm or no. But...Water?
I dig the pic . . . agreed on Tigers . . . cheers on the circle of life . . . weird weather maker: climate change . . .
I know how much you hate wearing too many clothes but it is a chance to wear all of those fabulous boots you own now that the colder weather has rolled in!!!! See ya next year Tigers!!!!
It is truly the circle of life. I Lost my dad just weeks before John was born. The last memory I have of my dad is him rubbing very big tummy.
God bless all the victims of the hurricane.
Mona-You are sweetness! Mark-too cold for bikinis and martinis! If I was gasping my last breath, I would ask how the Tigers are doing. Charles-I'm glad the storm didn't come near you and Lana. I must have been detoxin'! Erik-storms and weather, Tiger's defeat, etc. all realized with a deep breath and a good pour! rosegarden-Great! Can I wear JUST boots? Tigers, sigh..Little John for Big Dad. More sighing...xo Have a great week all, and remember to vote, vote, vote!! xo
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