Tonight finds me ending my vacation. I'm packed and leaving in the morning. I'm tired and ready to get back into a routine that doesn't include sleeping in, rich food and daily happy hours. As usual, I am ready to get back home. The drive back isn't nearly as fun as the ride down and for just a hot second, I wish I was flying. But Lola would rather ride.
Since before vaycay, I have been engrossed in the Jodi Arias trial catching it live on HLN. Being a true crime/court t.v. addict-I have been glued. The story involves all the juice that keeps us interested. Sex, murder, religion, questionable mental states, lies, and did I mention sex? Jodi has finally admitted to the murder of her Mormon lover and after changing her story twice, they are finally getting down to the truth. She admitted to killing Travis, so now it's just a matter of the death penalty or life in prison. Jodi's defense have spend hours and boocoo bucks trying to prove that she is mentally unstable and possibly a victim of domestic abuse.
So where are you all on the question of death penalty? Is rotting in prison all of your life payment enough for taking a life or do you deserve to pay in kind? What if she WAS abused? Does that make a difference? It's horrible and devastating for both families and friends involved.
Can't wait to see how this all pans out in the court. I'll be away from the telly for a few days, but will have plenty of time to listen on the radio. Sounds exciting, huh? This Jodi thinks so... xo
8 months ago
Life no parole for anyone over 18 is fine except for anyone who abuses a child, and especially with sexual abuse as a mitigating circumstance then Death. A child defined as 17 and under.
It seems like you just got there. How time flies!
Mark-I knew you would be clear on this one. xo Charles- I know, right? Time DOES fly when you are having fun! Hugs, guys. xo
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