Last Friday, which happened to be the thirteenth, was the 34th. anniversary of my brother's brush with death. As a matter of fact, Steve remembers seeing the white light before he was sent back to finish his life. Other memories of that night came back in bits and pieces over the years for him.
34 years ago on a dinner break from his job, Steve, my cousin Ray, and friend John made a very unfortunate connection with a train. Yes, a train. As in Detroit and Mackinaw train lines. And the boys were not driving a Hummer-quite the opposite. A little Ford Pinto, the kind that blew up if it got rear ended was the vehicle they were packed into. Heading to a party store, they were caught totally unaware as they crossed the tracks in sync with the train. The warning lights did not go off to warn them. The guys were dragged down the tracks for 28 boxcars at approximately 28 miles per hour. The car was trashed and by the grace of God, all three boys survived and lived to tell the tale. John lost vision in one eye and died a few years ago from an unrelated cause. R.I.P.
My cousin Ray walked away with minimal injuries and my brother, the driver, suffered the worse. Steve ended up with 5 broken ribs-some with multiple fractures, a punctured lung, a broken clavicle, and head trauma caused by blunt force. (Oh, so that explains it! teehee.)
Needless to say, our family was scared spit less as we charged up to the E.R. to find him happily in and out of reality due to liberal doses of morphine. Recovery was slow and painful.
Today finds my brother the father of three boys and Ford salesman extraordinaire. He is an avid fisherman and joins us in the Keys every March for our annual 'Sloth, Indulgence, and Debauchery Tour.' Steve is also wonderful golfer having recently won a club championship.
Yes, he hit a train, but was lucky to have lived to tell the tale. I still double check when I cross a track and say a quick prayer. You can never be too careful on that day.
Hope your week goes well and all of your Friday the thirteenths are lucky. xo
8 months ago
Wow. good fortune indeed. Now there's a story it's good live to tell about.
No lights. no train horn? No lawyer?
Charles-We are very lucky, indeed! Mark-Unfortunatly the D&M lawyered up more than any of the three guys could. My brother and Ray did not receive any compensation. John got a small settlement. Even with witnesses, the railroad was able to wiggle out of fault-not even help for the immense hospital bills. Sick. But we are grateful for their lives anyway. You two have the best week ever! xo
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