Gymnastics has always had a piece of my heart and it was with great pride that I attended my darling Lexi and Elle's very first meet. My old teammates, John and Kathryn Geddert hosted the event at their gym in Diamondale, Michigan.
With their hair in the 'official' team bun and sporting the competition leotards, the girls calmly stretched and warmed up in front of a large crowd. I found out later that they were a bit nervous, but you would have never guessed it as they smoothly went thru all of their routines. Very cool customers indeed! Mom, Dad, Grandmother and I were bustin' buttons watching and cheering. It was a wonderful experience for us all. The girls learned some of the many lessons that competition always teaches.
The day brought back many a fond memory as I recalled being one of those nervous girls on the floor waiting my turn. It seemed like just yesterday that I stood there with sweaty palms and a butterfly tummy, awaiting the nod from the judges. Finishing a routine was always met with such relief and sense of accomplishment. Our girls seemed to take it all in stride.
I was never much more than a mediocre gymnast, but that never dulled my passion for it. I still do splits, cartwheels and handstands whenever there is a mat, and I love working with Lex and Elle on their skills. That being said, I was, and will always be a gymnast.
Enjoy your days of being gymnasts girls. Shine like the stars that you are. Love you. xoxo
8 months ago
Poise and confidence radiate from the picture.
So on to the button busting thing---how many did you pop off?
Wonderful. And such good exercise. I wish I was as limber as I was back in those days.
Mark-I tried to keep my decency! Charles-It IS great exercise. I'm not as limber either. Comes with age like everything else. Sigh....xoxo
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