Monday, April 7, 2014

Blue in the Face...

The shooting at Fort Hood has me sad, frustrated and motivated.  Yes, motivated, but I'll get to that. 
It's easy enough to understand the 'sad' part.  4 people dead and 16 wounded, tragically and unnecessarily is so very sad for their families and friends.  There can be no true words of comfort as they work their way to try to understand and carry on. 
 Frustration fills me as I hear that people still are blaming 'guns' as the cause of the rampage.  The gun was just the convenient method to carry out his action.  He could have run over the victims with his car to a similar result.  It was the man's brain that was the true weapon.  He had a history of depression at the very least.  The possibility of post traumatic stress disorder was still on the table.  It pisses me off that an 'expert' has said that p.t.s.d. is impossible due to the fact that he had not yet been in actual battle.  C'mon.  Anything our brains cannot process in a healthy way can be perceived as traumatic.  Brain disorders are very hard to diagnose and even harder to properly medicate and manage.  The fact that his depression was acknowledged should have been enough cause to proceed with caution.  I realize that I regularly get on my mental health soap box, so I won't completely go there now. 
And now for my personal motivation...Until we can get some recognition and understanding of mental illness, I resolve not to donate or support any causes that are covered by health insurance.  With our brains being the most under insured organ with the biggest chance for consequence, I will continue to strive for understanding.  Our brains have the capacity to trick or fail any of us at any time putting us all in danger.  No one is ammune.  We simply must make research a priority if we are ever going to be able to stop this senseless action.  And compassion-let's not forget compassion.         
After all, we're all in this life together.   xo                                                            


Charles Gramlich said...

Very true. Almost zero funding and concern for mental issues while purely physical ones get all the attention.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jodi, totally. The stabber today is a good example that it's not the weapon so much as the mind-body-reaction.

Two things I wish to note. 1) Under Pres. Reagan and MI's Gov. John Engler, money was severely cut for mental health programs, and people in treatment put to the curb. 2) Under Pres. Obama, "Mental-health coverage to get a big boost under Obamacare."

jodi said...

Charles-Absolutely true. When wil they get it? :( Erik-Sigh...I'm hoping to see how the changes will pan out. Pray, it happens! xo Have a great week you two. xo