Hiya Sweetcheese! In a conversation lately with a friend, we happened on the subject of names. I love clever names of businesses and boats and even peoples homes. I've even heard that some people name their cars!! How easily entertained SHE must be...
I know a cabinet supply owner who's yacht is called, 'The Counterfitter'. Our friend Bobby is a boat repo man who's boat is named, 'Crime Pays'. The writing on a sign shaped like a molar indicates that 'Tooth Acres' is the name of the residence and I can only assume that a dentist lives there. A local van has Scooby Doo on the side and the company will come and scoop up your dog waste. Just call 'Scoopy Doo' and the job will be done!
My Mom thought she was quite the original when she named me Jodi. However, there were 3 Jodi's in my graduating class. I like my name, but the Catholic priest back then, baptized me 'Judith' because Jodi is not considered a proper name. 'Judith' does not suit me nor do I like the name. I write the check to 'Tom Arnold' for the work he helps me with in my yard. He says he is used to people being amused by it. He also works for a veterinarian named Dr. Nurse. His wife is a nurse that they called Nurse Nancy. When she married Dr. Nurse she became Nurse Nancy Nurse. True story! A love story among the puppies and the kitties-could it get any cuter?
My question to you is this. Do you like your name? Is it a family name or does it have any special meaning? Let me know, okay?
Love to you all, whatever your name is! xoxo
8 months ago
My sibling all conspired to convince me that I was named after a dog up the street. I minded until I learned that the dog was a known biter.
Judith hahahahahaha yeah you're a true saint Jodi.
Both my cars have names the Gray Ghost and The Green Goblin.
Mark- Your bite IS worse than your bark! No saint am I....I didn't know you name your rides-cool Babe! xo
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