Happy Cinco De Mayo and an especially Happy Birthday to my sister in law and amigo, Cheryl. All the good Mexican restaurants are packed tonight, so we headed to a barbecue joint to celebrate her day. Turns out that they made wonderful margaritas, so we partied in tex-mex style!
Pictured with us, is the 'shot-ski' that I made her enabling 3 people to drink shots at once. Back in the day, I loved to waterski and never dreamt that I'd be defacing a ski for a drinking prop. I know, it's crazy and we are most definitely not in college anymore, but somehow and sometimes the party just calls for such nonsense. (Usually about the same time we are disco dancing!) I'm usually in for one (shot) before the campfire mesmerizes me and I sneak off to bed. Which happens to be the case right now. The long drive to and from Ann Arbor plus two margaritas has this old party chick ready for some snuggle time.
Stay young Sissy, and I will borrow your quote, "drink up bitches"! Love you so much. xoxo
8 months ago
a shot ski! Wow, that's pretty cool.
Sissy, THANK YOU for making my birthday extra special with both you and Randy surprising me and of course my wonderful new Shot Ski which I have been wanting for a very long time. Love you to the moon and back and can't wait until we try this baby out Memorial Weekend. Drink Up Bitches!! xoxoxo
Sissy, THANK YOU for making my birthday extra special with both you and Randy surprising me and of course my wonderful new Shot Ski which I have been wanting for a very long time. Love you to the moon and back and can't wait until we try this baby out Memorial Weekend. Drink Up Bitches!! xoxoxo
Hm I thought I left some wise 9ass) words here...s'ok I guess not. As long as you got your margaritas on, then you celebrated...in true Texan style, barbecue and tequila.
Oh yea call JR and let me know when and where.
Charles-isn't it cool? Sissy-U didn't have to thank me twice! We loved being part of your day. U are so special to us both. xo Mark-What? No wise ass words? I will call you and JR soon for a COFFEE confab! Thanks for stopping by y'all! xoxo
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