Welcome to my world.
Lately I have been driving myself nuts with a self imposed mission to organize my life. The four foot pile of shoes in my closet necessitated the above pictured shelving unit to hold some of my 'stuff'. I was starting to look like an episode of hoarders-just with more leopard print! I actually would get short of breath and crabby when forced to deal the jumble of shoes, purses, hats, scarves, and books that I feel I need. Recently, when my Mom visited, she helped me to get my kitchen and pantry in perfect order-a job that up until then, had me totally overwhelmed. She is the ultimate in sorting, purging, cleaning and organizing and provided me the kick start I needed. Dane was the lucky recipient of extra cookware that I didn't need. Salvation Army is getting a box of serving platters and other gee gaws that I purged.
I actually love to organize-purging, and putting things in a logical order feels good to me. And when I get on that kick, look out because nothing and no one is safe. I recently plowed thru our office and now its as neat as a pin-or maybe a paperclip. I even parted with some books which is almost physically painful for me. I've been donating, recycling, and re-gifting things that I am not using regularly. It is so cool to lighten up the load a little. Very liberating indeed.
Tomorrow I am moving on to the garage, a task that is so satisfying when finished and I pull Sascha Fierce into her clean spot. My garbage man is going to hate me when he sees the pile at the end of my driveway. But I am gonna love it.
So tell me, are you an organizer or not so much. Does clutter drive you crazy or do you even notice it? Do you go thru closets and such with any schedule or keep it up more on a daily basis. I'm interested to know how you handle your stuff.
Let me know if you, like me, can organize your life in hopes it helps you organize your your thoughts.
Gotta go. I have a shed with 10 20ft. cords to re-coil up and 10 gas cans to deal with. And 4 snow shovels, and 6 pails, and 2 dusty bikes, 10000 fishing lures, some rusty garden tools...etc. etc. etc.. xo to all of you and hoping you have a wonderful Memorial Day! xoxo
8 months ago
Nope, my life is so clutter free now that any mess near or around me is not mine to deal with. I have a corner in one room and a 4 foot wide space in another. Organization is simplified that way. Unless you talk to the wife that is.
I have to watch myself because I too love to organize, and I can spend a lot of time doing it that could be put to better use. But sometimes it is absolutely necessary, and sometimes just fun.
is that an accurate count of lures? id go back and count again you might be missing a few(hundred,LOL)BriMi
Hey Jodi, I can dig it. Looks groovy colorful, by the way.
I de-clutter and "feng shui" periodically. Did this at my office recently and will do this with a storage closet possibly this weekend. After so many moves, I've definitely streamlined 3D books and other heavy objects.
Mark, I'm gonna check with your woman on this! Charles-I feel just like that! BriMi-you are probably much closer on your lure estimate. I try to just look the other way! Erik-You've got the idea! I am trying to streamline a little, but so far organizing is my best bet. Can't part with my shoe collection!
How is it that four men commented on a page that features a pic of my dressing room? Hmmm... I think it's because they are four of the coolest cats I know. xoxo to you all!
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