I got the flu shot and my pneumonia vaccine is good for another 4 years, I wash my hands constantly, and use hand those hand sanitizer thingy's at Kroger and Target. My food and exercise plan is sound. So why in the hell have I had a cold for the past 5 weeks or so?
Seriously. I coughed and was miserable for 2 weeks before getting the rock 'em sock 'em antibiotic that was sure to kick it out. Fast forward 10 days later. Nope, still ailin'. A call to the doc man and I learned that 'it' must be viral and I would just have to wait it out. Rest, water and Tylenol. I have added Mucinex and essential peppermint oil to the regimen and have been diffusing oregano oil for relief. I've been eating organic honey and cinnamon which is supposed to do something. I have gargled with warm salt water. I have gagged down organic apple cider in hopes of breaking up the mucus naturally. My inhaler helps a little. I seem better in the ayem but run out of steam and am worse by the afternoon.
I give up.
Maybe I should just go old skool and slam some warm whiskey and honey with a little lemon. Can't hurt, I guess. But I'm gonna have to head up north, cuz my Mom has to serve me up the little elixir.
I'm gettin' desperate here, friends...Any suggestions?
Y'all have a healthy week and for the love of all things good-do not catch this! xo
P.S. Happy Birthday to dollfriend Rose, welcome to my decade, Honey! xo
8 months ago
I've had a little of the lingering crud myself, not bad but enough to keep me moving slow and feeling tired.
Charles-Seems like sleep and taking it slow is the only way to shake it! Hope you are feeling better.
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