Recently I read a very wise quote by a very wise person. The words of wisdom that struck me to the core, went something like this, "Let's begin by taking a smallish nap or two". And you are wondering who this brain-trust, prophet can be? Winnie the Pooh, of course! And I couldn't agree more...
Anyone who has known me for about 20 minutes can tell you that I LOVE to nap. Not just love to, but need to. Habitually, around 2:00 p.m. on most days, I slip off for my little 'lay down'. Usually I read for a bit and then doze for a bit. Pets are welcome and encouraged to join me and as pictured, Lola never met a nap she couldn't get with. I wake up totally refreshed and ready to rock out the rest of my day and evening. Along with my daily crossword and Suduko, my rests are my 'brain floss'. My regular bedtime is unaffected by this routine.
I just read that the most effective was to nap involves caffeine. A 20 minute nap immediately following caffeine, will leave you refreshed just in time for the boost of the caffeine to kick in. Who knew? Back in the day, I used to sneak in a nap during my lunch hour and felt wonderful all afternoon.
So do you indulge? Do you need a nap and does it 'work' for you? Do you nap alone or with pets? You know I want to know.
Have a wonderful first week of January and if you are in Michigan, stay warm cuz baby, it's cold outside! Kinda makes me want to take a nap.. xoxo
8 months ago
Oh how I wish I could nap but it would be about 5:00 pm during the week when I could squeeze one in after getting home from work. But on the rare occassion that I do nap (which usually means I'm sick), there is definitely a little Chihuahua or two snuggling up next to me and that's exactly how I want it!
Pooh's the man. Or uhhmmm, the bear.
Hey hey, Jodi ~ yes, I'm a big believer in naps, especially short "cat naps." If I can fit one in the daily schedule, I'll do it.
Apparently, Jesus liked to take naps, too: "And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, 'Save us, Lord; we are perishing!' He said to them, "Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?" Indeed. Take a nap, folks, and forget about it ~!
Sissy-you overworked, sleep deprived little thing! Grab those puppies and take a nap! xo Charles- Ah, yes. The tao of Pooh.
Erik-Jesus was right! Fuggettaboudit! Have a wonderful week friends, and take time for a snooze or three. xo
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