I have been on the move quite a bit lately. In April I was in the Keys, in June, I vaycayed in North Carolina and in July, I spent the weekend in Maine. Whew. For me, that's a lot of traveling.
Do I enjoy it? Yes and no. I love seeing new friends and the people that I meet. Cool new experiences are, well, cool. But... I think I have finally figured out what it is that I don't like. It's the constant awareness that I must have to be somewhere at a specific time. As a true commitment phobe, as well as airhead-I find this exhausting.
I must leave the house at x time to be at the airport. I then locate airlines parking, park and put the little parking identification slip somewhere safe so I can spring Sascha Fierce and split the scene when I get back. Next up is my airline terminal. I must check in with proper I.D. and get my boarding pass. I then have to clear the crazy security, (okay, I got a TSA freebie this time!) and find my gate. I then must eat and get back to said gate in time to board. All this must take place with my I.D. and boarding pass at hand while carrying a large purse and dragging a suitcase. Finding my seat and stowing my carry on is up next. Upon landing, I retrieve my suitcase and find the ground transportation floor. In Metro Airport this may involve a tram, and escalator (2x!), and elevator, along with 2-4 of those fast walking things. I then must find the appropriate pick up area along with the correct bus to ferry me to the rent-a-car kiosk. After signing more paperwork then I did to buy a house, I am directed to a lot with number of my rental. I locate the care and then spin around a parking structure for an hour to exit said structure. Okay, now I have to figure out how to get to the hotel and go thru that check in. I have my confirmation number, credit cart and I.D. handy for all of that. Sigh..okay, I'm in...
But.. when I leave the hotel, I have to remember my key-with no room number on it-and what the hell car I'm now piloting.
Only now, do I feel relaxed enough to enjoy wherever it is that I am. And enjoy I did. In Maine, I visited Laura on our birthday's. Yes, she is my birthday twin and we vowed we would celebrate her 50th. together. We had a blast at the party honoring my friend, and partner in Keys crimes.
Happy Birthday to my dollfriend, Laura. You were totally worth it! xo
P.S. Welcome to my new nephew, Julian Oliver Wightman, who was born on July 09, just 10 minutes short of sharing my birthday with me. I can't wait to meet you baby boy! xoxo
8 months ago
Jodi, still a child all these years later. Glad it was a good one. I'd trade KW for Maine in a heartbeat.
Loved Maine when Lana and I visited last year.
Wowza, travel is crazy for sure -- a lot easier with more than one person traveling, when one can serve as scout or guide . . .
How was North Carolina?
Mark-thank you for that. I mostly feel the same except for the morning when I'm sometimes a little creaky. The Keys have my heart, too! xo Charles-It was beautiful and I want to go back when I have more time. Erik- I loved North Carolina and am going back for a week in probably October. The food and beaches are amazing! A fabulous week is my wish for you my three amigos! xo xo xo
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