Here I am, busted, while enjoying my afternoon lay down. No shame. I'm a napper-I love it-and I wake up refreshed and rocked. After Friday night, I needed it even more than usual.
Friday at 5:00 found us at the Green Dot Stables in Detroit. This crazy little horse stable themed restaurant is quite the unique venue. You can choose from approximately 30 types of sliders with various French fry options. Everything on the menu is $3.00! We loved it!!
By 7:45 p.m. with beer in hand, we were seated, eleven rows up, thank you very much, in anticipation of the Eagle's concert. That's right. The EAGLES!!! One of my all time favorite bands and I can barely contain myself.
Respectfully, the show started promptly at 8:15-no diva-like behavior here! At an average age of 67!, these guys still 'have it'. You would think it was 30 years earlier as Glen, Don, Tim, Joe and the others did their stuff. They could not have been any cooler. When Tim sang, "One of These Nights", I almost cried, with memories of my 18th. year flooding back. I could tell you where I was, who I was with, what we were doing and even the smell in the air when I was listening to that tune for the very first time. I closed my eyes and was carried away in the moment. The contact high of all the pot didn't hurt the situation any either!
Like traveling, concerts can be just too much bother for me. The parking, the crushing crowd, the overpriced beer, etc. get on my last nerve and make me swear off events. Hell, I recently watched an AC/DC concert on HBO and it was kinda, like, good enough. But...this was the EAGLES. And I love 'em. They are and always be the voice of my adolescence as well as a total class act.
At the 'Hotel California' encore, I cheered my ass off with teary eyes, as more visions hit me. I was in a white denim jumpsuit with a rainbow necklace, sporting my best Farrah Fawcett doo. The bar was smokey and hot and so was the guy I was mashin' with on the dance floor. Ahhh......
I loved it, it was worth it, and I will never forget it. Go if you have the inclination. xoxo
8 months ago
Sounds like a great time. I'd like to have seen The Eagles. Never had the chance.
Charles-Catch 'em if you can! Have a wonderful week-I know your summer will be winding up soon. xo
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