Monday, October 19, 2015

The Hills...

Recently I have read two books regarding hiking.  The Pacific Crest Trail to be exact.  The 2,650 trail that leads from Mexico to Canada is an immense hiking effort.  The books I read are "Girl in the Woods" and "Wild".  I absolutely loved both stories with all of the trials and tribulations involved. 
The pics above show Dane and I on the Appalachian Trail, where we participated in a mere 12 mile hike.  Both of the girls on the P.C.T. encountered snakes and we found a small garter snake.  Also in both stories the girls had demons that they felt they could reconcile on that long hike.
Dane and I, however; had no demons to expunge.  We walked simply for the experience and exercise.  And it was amazing!.  Our 12 miles were an accomplishment for us and we finished sweaty, and tired, with a story all our own.  It never would occur to me to rough it for 2,650 miles through  the desert and the snowy mountains.  Nope.  Not me.  Getting rid of my 'demons' would never involve sleeping in a tent, eating mostly oatmeal, rationing my water, nursing foot blisters, and carrying a giant backpack.  Yes, the two characters 'found' themselves on the trail, but I would have lost my mind.  As much as I love the outdoors, my comfort level is much larger than that.
Still I highly recommend both books.  This weekend I watched the movie version of 'Wild'.  I enjoyed it, but as per usual, preferred the book by the same title.  The movie simply does not have enough time to show all of the details that the book does.  However; I did enjoy being able to put a visual to the imaginary picture I had of the P.,C.T.  With Reece Witherspoon as the lead character, I loved the visual depictation.  I hope the "Girl in the Woods" gets made into a move, too.
I wholly recommend both books as well as the movie.  It's totally escapism, that for me struck a realistic nerve.  If I was 20 years younger, I would surely attempt that very walk.  But not to discover or find myself.  I would do it for the challenge of it. Very little challenges me physically these days,  save maybe for my boxing, boot camps and various gym workouts, but I would welcome the chance to try.
What challenges you  these days?  Do you meet the challenge or do you ignore it as a chance gone by?  Let me know what moves you.   xoxo


the walking man said...

Climbing slopes and wading rivers, fending off the desire to quit and not. All personal accomplishments Jodi. For some 12 miles is a great hike others a half days walk but is one better than the other if both achieved the same destination? Is the end of the 12th mile the same destination or the same point in time and space. sounds to me you got to a journey's end on that day an the AT. You worked for it, hard.

Me, today--I have risen to every challenge before me and have not quit a one of them, though they grow more complex and vexing as I age. yet I know that nothing will ever take me down but my own self.

Charles Gramlich said...

I've always loved hiking, although I don't get around as well as I used to.

jodi said...

Mark-You fully understand the meaning of any hike. I could have went farther, but two kids did not have the same desire. No matter, I loved it. When will I NOT feel the need to challenge myself. And when will that be okay with me? See you in a few day, friend. xo
Charles-I can't go a far as I used to either. Just life movin' on faster as we get older and slower. Hugs to Mark and Charles. xoxo