A friend called me this morning with the greeting of "so what do you want to hear first-the good news or the bad news?" After a brief pause I answered with "the good news." My off the cuff theory is based on this: if the news is good enough, the bad won't seem so bad. If you start with the bad news, the good may not seem so good. Convoluted? Maybe, but it works for me.
So why do we let the bad side of things outweigh the positive aspect? Is it because the bad takes so much more effort to face and/or correct? Or do we not put enough stock in all the good stuff? I don't know, but personally I am making the effort to recognize and enjoy all the good things. And I'm just hippy drippy trippy enough to believe that sending out the positive vibes and gratefulness (is that even a word?) will attract the same thing back to me. Also I am trying to not stress over bad stuff if I can't change it. What for? It's a total waste of time. Hey, can't hurt to try...
What do you prefer-good news or bad first? The good news is that I got to get together with my cousins for a birthday party. The bad news is that I feel REALLY old. The good news is that I can't change that and so I refuse to dwell on it!
Happy Birthday Rindy Lynn-I remember when you were born. And that's really good news. xo
8 months ago
Quite the group!
Great pic, indeed ~!
I think I'll stick with the good news first ;-> And for the same reason you prefer it ~ good vibrations to shore up the psyche.
Come to think of it, when I pull a daily rune, if I get a bad one I toss it back in until I get a better one.
Charles- I love my cousins! Erik-That's cool. Where does a person go to 'pull a rune?" Hope your February is marvelous! Warm hugs. j
You have shared great pic here for us. I enjoyed reading your post dear. Well birthday parties are always fun to attend. Last year I throw my birthday party at Chicago venues, and my all friends enjoyed great food stuff there with dance on live music.
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