This morning I received some long awaited news, and my head is spinning like I've had 3 cocktails on the beach! My DNA results are in!
Let me back up a bit. Years ago I hopped on the train and rode it hard till I read that maybe I wasn't doing it exactly right. I had about a zillion hours into the venture but gave up until I could better understand the process. The only thing I was positive of was the document showing my great grandparents on the boat coming from Norway. My Scandinavian heritage was never in question.
For Christmas, my sister got the kit that allows you to spit into a vial for a proper DNA breakdown. It was something I had meant to do for awhile but now I could just swing off of her results. I have hounded her for weeks checking to see if she had heard any news. This morning the results came in. And we are shocked.
The pie chart shows that we are 14% Irish, which is a total shocker. I have never felt even 1% Irish! I do not like green, corn beef and cabbage, beer, or leprechauns! I love any party and have always partaken as a faux Irishman, but this year will be different. I will chug an Irish Car Bomb at Irish Kevin's and my even do a jig-I said MAYBE! Gotta break into this slowly...
I also learned that we hold 14% DNA from the Iberian Peninsula. Huh? Yep, 14% Spanish! Maybe that explains the uncanny attraction I feel for Antonio Banderas and Javier Bardem! And today at Home Depot, where a large population speak Spanish, I could swear that I understood them a little. How exciting!
And lastly we are Italian-not much but some. My sister owns a fabulous Italian restaurant and is asked often if she is Italian. And now she can say that she is. So cool.
But I still mostly identify with the 50+ part of me that is Scandinavian. I am of hearty Nordic stock and I'm okay with that.
I am a warrior-and this I already knew! xoxo
8 months ago
Being Irish means you like pubs, stout, and fighting power. Corned beef and cabbage is all British. As far a being a Viking--well man the oars!
watch irish kevins. car bombs all around. see you Friday. everything is mud here. I need some sun!!!!
Sounds like some of your ancestors got around! ;) Pretty much true for all of us, of course.
Nifty fifty, Jodi ~! Well, the Vikings got around, from Ireland to Iberia and even Sicily, so . . . who knows how it all went down . . . Cool stuff, though. I need to do this for paternal line.
Happy St. Pat's early ~ !
Mark-In my mind I am a Nordic Princess! Steve, Carbombs it is, or rather Carbomb for me. I gotta work on my Irish drinking tolerance! Charles-True, but makes for some interesting investigating! Erik-Do it-it's amazing. Maybe you will be as surprised as we were! Yikes on the St. Paddy's!!! Have a good week dolls. xo
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