Time. Where does the time go? How did it get to be the end of December? Seems like just yesterday it was Memorial Day and we were parked around the bonfire anticipating a long, wonderful summer. Time is on our side? I don't think so.
Although I usually wear Dane's Swiss Army watch, I usually check my phone for the time. However, I am reminded by the watch that Dane has been gone for 2 1/2 years. How is this even possible?
At a family Christmas celebration last weekend I looked around and realized that my little cousins now had children of their own when it seems like only yesterday they we babies themselves. I'm now that weird old auntie that says, "I can't believe how you have grown-now get over here and hug me!"
Our days seem to fly by in segments marked by hours and minutes that pass so very quickly. All events are on a timer that we must watch incessantly so we don't dare be late or worse, even miss things. It's pressure and stress for me.
I hear a saying that rings so very true, "For the young the days go fast and the years go slow; for the old the days go slow and the years go fast."
Guess all we can do is muddle along as best we can without checking our watches too much. After the first of the year I vow to pass the time my very favorite way. I will lay on the couch and read. Then doze off awhile. Then pick up my book again until I drift off again. And I will enjoy this without guilt. It's only time, right? And it's passing too fast to not do the things we love.
I hope this week before Christmas finds you all doing what you love. There's no time like the present. xo
8 months ago
Time is the same as a train, it waits for no one but once inside you get comfortable and enjoy the ride until your station comes up.
Time, it waits for no one.
So hang on tight & enjoy the Ride!
What green lenses you have!
Mark-I guess..sigh. Just feelin' nostalgic lately. xo
Lori-You are right as usual. Miss you, Honey!
Charles-total fly eyes! Thanks for the comments, Darlings!
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