Hope you all had a fabulous and blessed holiday. Ours was filled with all of the things that make it special. I have been blessed with so many gifts including a loving family, wonderful friends, and spiritual peace.
The food and drink was the usual overindulgence-and I loved every tasty bite and sip. the mild weather was a bonus. At the dinner table, we held hands and with teary eyes, prayed for the ones who were celebrating in heaven. Church was packed and I swear that you could actually feel the spirit of the Christ child as we heard the ancient scripture and songs. Our gifts included hugs and laughter and remembering past Christmas holidays. My brother's dog got along with Mickey and Hazel only knocked two bulbs off the tree. And no one stole our Star Shower!
What more could I ask for? With a deep breath, I pray for continued health and contentment. Merry Christmas to you all. xoxo
Rest in Peace George Micheal. I'm forever your fan. xo
8 months ago
Without passing judgment or comment on the holiday, all I can say is 2016 can go the hell away ASAP.
Hope you have a great new year too
Happy New Year 2017, Jodi ~ huzzah ~ !!!
Mark-let's hope 2107 brings good things. xo Charles-Best wishes to you and Miss Lana! Erik-I have just discovered Kir Royales! Cheers to you!!
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