Hi all, and please forgive my lack of tekkie knowledge to be able to set these two pics in a side by side fashion. The top one is a throwback from approximately 20 years ago when I was given the privilege of giving my nephew, Dylan his very first haircut. Wasn't he a little doll?
Fast forward 20 years or so... On Friday, I got a surprise call and visit from non other than, Dylan himself. On his way from Midland to Detroit to visit friends, my nephew took the time to go out of his way and visit his old auntie. And I was thrilled. Totally thrilled. See, I spent lots of time with Dylan when he was a baby and our bond was forged easily and lovingly. Then life separated us physically for some years with only very short holiday visits in between. But love is love and time cannot kill that bond, and sometimes even makes it stronger. After anxiously awaiting Dylan's arrival, I saw his face and felt his hug and was assured that nothing had really changed our relationship. He filled me in on his life events and I told him how proud I am of everything he had become and would eventually do. Time went by too fast as we caught up on each other's worlds. Dylan had a commitment he had to run off to, but I was thrilled all the same with his visit. We vowed to stay in touch and maybe do an extended visit with more time to 'just be.'
Thank you, dear nephew, for making your Auntie remember fonder, gentler days when popcorn at 10:00 a.m. and twilight runs along the beach were our 'normal.' I'll never forget those days and I'll never forget you, Dylan-as a baby or a man-I love you very much. xoxo
8 months ago
One of the setbacks (or good) things is even if they are only 2 miles away on I-94 no one in either of our families finds a way to leave a little extra time to "drop in."
I think my kids and others will be a bit disappointed with my decision to return the X-mas favors. *shrug* I do love being old enough to finally be honest with how I feel about shit.
Oh by the by you didn't do that Gn X mohawk on your nephew did you?
You haven't changed much but I believe he's a little bigger.
Mark, Sorry you have gotten to that place. I would love to be able to see my Dad. I did not, but would have gave Dylan that cut! xo Charles-Why thank you dear, but I have...xo
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