8 months ago
Monday, January 9, 2017
Things that make me go hmmmm....#2
How about some musings on this chilly January night? There are things that simply gobsmack and confound me and make me go hmmmmm..
I can't count the number of times I am driving along and see one shoe in the middle of the lane. What would prompt a person to dispose his footwear in this manner? Is the other shoe a mile or so down the road, or still in the car? Is he now barefoot or sporting just one shoe. Does he think this does not count as littering? What the hell is his life, anyway?
How about those people with nice cars that feel entitled to double park? We all have vested interest in our vehicles but being as ass won't protect them any more than just parking inside the lines.
Who on earth decided that wearing our pajamas in public is okay? Go back to bed if the effort is too much.
Back in the parking lot-it seems to be apparent to some that the parking lot is a trash can. I see ashtrays emptied, fast food bags and most appalling of all, dirty diapers and yes, even condoms strewn about. Gross, lazy and ignorant.
Facial tattoos and those giant holes in ears. Ummm, other than Guitar Center or a tatt parlor, how do you ever hope to get a job. Good luck, my friend.
People who claim to 'never read.' Really, how do you learn things? Total hmmmmm for me.
Those meat sticks that lay out at the party store for people to fondle and flies to land on. Who can eat that shizz? Can you just say bacteria and e coli?
Good chocolate. Wait, that's not a hmmm, it's a mmmmmm!
Unexpected babies. Yes, there are women who deliver and didn't know they were pregnant. Really? The weight gain, cravings, sore breasts, morning sickness, etc. were no tip off to you? Hmmmmmm....
Shooting an animal for 'sport.' If you are not going to eat it-let it live! I abhor trophy hunting.
The word 'irregardless.' 'Nuff said.,
Child or animal abuse-can't even comprehend.
Overall bad behavior. This includes bad sportsmanship, entitlement, jealousy, narcissism, lack of compassion. Grow up already and make some effort to treat others as you would like to be treated.
Thank you all for letting me blow off the steam that has been building up for the past few months. There will probably never be resolution for my bafflement, but it feels good to vent.
Now, how about those Lions? xo
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Many of these things baffle me as well. and not reading? Egads
One must settle in and accept that the unacceptable has become acceptable in the mind of many.
Good ones, Jodi! Are you a fan of Larry David? "Anarchy!!!"
Traffic behavior is something I've become keenly aware of in Texas. Lots of crazy drivers, and cutting across parking lots at a high rate of speed -- not cool. Driving works most efficiently when people cooperate, rather than try to run other people down for the sheer "fun" of it, but when ego arises front & center, all bets are off.
p.s. man buns. Unless a Japanese samurai, why?
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