Hello Dolls and please join me in my Blogaversary celebration!
For nine years, I have posted essays and as of last week, I hit 500 of them. Hard to believe that since 2008, with the support and encouragement from dear friends, I started expressing whatever was on my mind. This usually happens on a Monday night. I have ranted and raved, told childhood stories, shared my grief, showed off my pets, introduced all of my Mustangs, attempted poetry, celebrated birthdays and weddings and family parties. I have took you all to the Keys, to the Thumb, up North, Alaska, Dubai, Costa Rica, San Francisco, and the Outer Banks, I have examined the 'little things' in life and came to the conclusion over and over, that those are the very best things life has to offer. For me, its Randy and my family, close friends, a good book, the sound of waves, a nice wine, a good laugh, and beauty in nature.
As I look back, I am tempted to edit all of those early typos, but that's who I was then-so I'll leave 'em in for a laugh. I have printed out the first four years and they are in Jspotted folders. I need to do the rest when I'm ready to spend about 500 dollars on printer ink!
Thank you all for your comments and support over the years. Writing even about nothing, simply makes me happy. Oh, and cupcakes... they make me happy too!
Luv u all. Peace, Jodi
8 months ago
I've enjoyed the journey. (Some too much)
Wow. Seems like just yesterday that blogging was brand new
Congratulations, Jodi ~ what a long, strange trip it's been!
Prayers for Key West, it's gonna hurt.
Steve-Nonsense! It's been a blast with more to come! xo
Charles-It's crazy isn't it? Thanks for your support. xo
Erik-Yes indeedy!! Those crazy Conch's will persevere and come through on the sunny side-just you wait and see. Thank you too, for all of your support. Cheers! xo
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