You've all seen Cheryl and I causin' a commotion at the beach house. We laugh, boat, search for beachglass, bonfire, conversate and just generally celebrate life. There may or may not be wine involved...
But at the end of August this year, Cheryl finally retired. For 39 years she has been a valued employee of the Federal Government. When working for the E.P.A. as a co-op student she could have never guessed how her career would have played out. Yesterday she shared with me award after award that she received for special projects she has chaired. The days were long and the responsibilities great as she took on these challenges as a single parent of two small children. 39 years...I can't even imagine it.
In her retirement Cheryl has lots of plans. Never one to sit idle she will pursue a real estate career (passed the test on the first time!) as well as getting her L.L.C. to work as a consultant. She will finally have the time to read, do craft projects, take a photography class, and advocate for drug awareness. Unlike myself, she never sits still.
Kenny Chesney sings a song that I think of her, every time I hear it:
Cause I'm gopherin', chaufferin', company chairmen.
Coffee maker, copy repairman.
Anymore there ain't nothing I swear man that I don't do.
Been juggling, struggling, closing big deals.
Dancing backward in high heels....
So now, that chapter of her life is finished. She's leaving the stress, traffic commute, and deadlines behind. It's a new day-one that doesn't start at 5:00 a.m. It's slower, more relaxed with more time to do the things she's dreamed of. So she'll take it slower, indulge her plans and let life unroll for her.
We are planning a party to honor her next summer, so watch for pics and updates. Until then, congratulate my Sissy for all she has done and accomplished in her (39 year!) career. She has worked hard and I am so proud of her. XOXOXO
8 months ago
Never met Cheryl but if she worked for the EPA and tried for 39 years to aid the environment in its quest to live, she is now on my heroes list.
Thank you Walking Man!
Never sits still! I'm afraid that makes me feel exhausted
A salute to Cheryl ~ and the environment !
Mark-Cheryl worked her azzzz off and cared deeply for her job. She's my hero too! xo
Cheryl-You are ahmazing, Doll!
Charles-I know right? I'm a lazy slug in comparison.
Erik-Cheryl and I will remember you in our next toast.
Thank you all darlings for your comments. xoxoxo
Thank you Walking Man!
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