Happy New Year, Dolls! It's officially 2018. On Christmas Eve, while driving up north, Randy spotted a partridge in a pine tree and we had to brake suddenly when 2 errant (rein)deer crossed in front of us. Whew! Christmas is much merrier when you don't have to schedule a trip to the bump shop!
I'm not making any New Years 'resolutions' that I can't keep. I plan to work on my cookie belly, stay involved with Families Against Narcotics and not beat myself up if I fail at either. Most of all, I want to make an effort to not wish the days away. The days already fly's by at a dizzying speed and no upcoming event is worth rushing time for.
I am going to try to find some good in every day-even the most mundane ones. Cold days aren't so bad, if the sun is shining, right? I'll read rag magazines in the long line at Kroger while working on my patience level. I will revel in and acknowledge with gratitude the life I am living.
And if all else fails, I'll have a cookie. Hugs.
8 months ago
While the map you've laid out is a little light on topography I am sure you will fill it in, in the coming days ahead. I too vote cookie!
Charles-Well..maybe one or two!
Mark-I haven't left the house in three days!! I love it 'light!' Cookies indeed!
Have a great week you two!
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