Happy Monday, Dolls! What a gorgeous weekend it was! I witnessed people all around me enjoying their hobbies. Four wheelers and jet skis raced by and some even gave me a quick wave. Sailors and yachters doing their thing under a clear, blue sky. Runners, bikers and walkers tearin' it up along M25. Randy, indulging his hobby, went fishing all day and scored some walleye. Even those ambitious gardeners had perfect temps for that activity. And what did I do, you wonder?
I read. Yep, I read. Why does reading seem like a less than ambitious hobby? Sitting on my couch or lazing in my hammock with a book or my ipad, engrossed in a good story gets looked at as 'lazy.' Really? I call it the best, most available way to escape. And sometimes I even learn things. But as a hobby, reading still doesn't seem viable to most people.
In checking the New York Times bestsellers list, I see that I have read 6 of the top 15 books and that's just in the non-fiction category. I love it and have a whole big box on deck for more of my 'lazy' days. How about you? Anyone read any good books lately.
And lastly, how great was it that I got to see my cousin, Evan play in a tournament baseball game that was actually held in my area? I loved seeing him blast a home run and then be named VIP of the game. You are a star as well as this weeks 'Blogstar!' Congrats and GO EVAN!!
Have a great week doing whatever hobby cranks ya up. Even if it's 'just reading!' XO
8 months ago
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