See these feet? That's how they looked when I walked to my car at Four Mile Beach last weekend. Bare. Because someone STOLE my flip flops!! Seriously, who doesn't kick off the flops when approaching the water and leave them in the sand? I was shocked that anyone would lift them. I refused to let it ruin my walk and hope that they are with someone who needed them more than me.
When I went to get my morning newspaper, I reached in my mailbox and found the top of a Gatorade bottle with a wad of gum attached. Huh? Who puts their garbage in someone else's mailbox? Probably the same slob who throws his cig butts in my yard. So gross...
A friend recently witnessed a car backing into an empty car. And then just merrily driving away! Not a drop of remorse ruining that dolt’s day-as far as I can tell. One can only hope HIS car gets a smash and go incident done to him.
At Macy's I overheard a woman trying to return a dress that she had obviously worn. The polite salesperson pointed out that the dress smelled of perfume and had deodorant under the arms. It had obviously been worn. Did she think that she had rented the dress? (Insert my pursed lips and flared nostrils!)
I could go on about loud, public cell conversations, people stealing glasses and salt and pepper shakers from restaurants, unnecessary use of handicap parking spots. etc.etc.etc., but I'll stop my rant for now. Anyone have anything to add?
Have a great week keep and if you spot some gray, leopard print flops, let me know!
You could be writing the script for Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," Jodi. It's anarchy out there!
Role modeling starts at the top and "trickles down" from there. "Boss says its OK."
Hi Erik-I've never seen that show! I agree-no morals or guilt these days! XO
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