In December I saw him, ringing the bell. God Bless you, ma'am and have a blessed day! I noticed his bike parked nearby complete with a sleeping bag and a covered little rickshaw-pull-cart thing. And then I noticed the tarp on the cart move. Out popped a doggies head! I asked if I could pet her, and after getting permission, spent a few moments petting that gentle, sweet dog.
I left with a smile on my face and made a mad rush to the gym. But I couldn't concentrate on something so trivial as bicep curls. I wondered if the man and his dog were warm enough and had anything to eat. I left early and sped to McDonald's. With a large bag of food and a hot coffee, I pulled back up. Yes, he said, he would love some food and coffee, and yes, I could feed 'Sabra' a cheeseburger. Everyday for a few weeks, this would be my routine. I got to know Daryl and Sabra and learned that they had been a duo for 7 years. He had been in an auto accident 20 years ago that his buddy died in. Daryl was left with chronic back pain and he explained that was why he paced rather than stood by the kettle.
I fretted at how they stayed warm and where they slept. Traditional shelters do not allow dogs. He told me that they have special permission to sleep in a public area that is out of the wind. He said they stay warm. As the weeks wore on, I saw many others helping out with snacks and dog food. Sabra, it turns out, is a sort of celebrity in Mt. Clemens. I asked what I could do for them and was told, "We have everything we need. God, takes care of us. You gotta have faith. You have a blessed day." Now, if that doesn't make you think....
I was later able to give him some warm hoodies and some little doggie booties to protect Sabra's paws from the salty sidewalk. I was rewarded with a big hug and a smile and of course, a blessing. A kiss from Sabra, and I was off.
It's been awhile since I've seen them, but I watch for the bike with the dog always. I feel lucky to have met them. And blessed, very blessed.
8 months ago
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