Meet my sister from another mother! Did you ever just 'click' with another couple? We have lots of good friends but there is always room for more! Monica and Doug are our 'March' neighbors, but we really just got to know them better this year. We have plenty in common and are all fun lovin', boatin', foodie fools! AND..BONUS...they live in Michigan! We look forward to hooking up back in the mitten. How cool and wonderful is that?
In other 'news', is anyone else having the feeling that someone is listening in on our conversations? Lately, it seems that some things I say prompts an ad for a similar thing. For example, if I say Nordstrom Rack, ads appear in my facebook feed and email offering sales or whatever! It's a little disconcerting to say the least. I know I'm a little slow with the 'Alexa/Hey Google' thing but it just creeps me out a little that 'someone' is listening. Anybody know anything about this phenom and are you comfortable with it?
Heading to Key West today with friends, Tom and Jen-a day that always promises a good time.
Have a fabulous day and I hope you have friends that make you feel blessed. It's simply the best!
P.S. I'm so lonesome for my workout buddy! K? Are you there? XOXOXXOXO
8 months ago
I’m happy to call you my friend! Hugs Jodi!
Back at you, Doll!
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