Happy April Fools Day!
I have to admit; this day has absolutely no significance for me. I simply do not have the spunk or creative energy to fool anyone any more. As a child, I would plan ways to fool my siblings and be at the ready for the tricks they had ready for me. Later, Dane would delight in fooling my by pointing out that there was an elephant/giraffe/monkey or whatever in the yard. I would have to look out the window, and be 'fooled' every time, while he shrieked with laughter.
I love watching and hearing others stories of foolery-specially Ellen DeGeneres who is the queen of such nonsense. It's all yours girl, so get at it!
However; one of my very all time favorite quotes is one by Alexander Pope: "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread." The quote has been speculatively pondered and it's meaning has many different interpretations. Personally, because I tend to act first and think later, it totally hits home with me. I like to think that my impulsive nature ( maybe I'm a fool?) as a risk taker and chance maker is fun and exciting. Jumping into situations with both feet can be 'foolish' or wonderful. Who's to say?
Here's something I can say for sure: 3 chickies had a ball cruising the ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Turquoise water and a cobalt sky is beauty that has no compare. Pina Colada's and the sun in our faces. Tomfoolery DID abound, as we celebrated the last few days of my Mom's vacation.
Hope you enjoyed some type of foolery that brought a smile to your face today. XO
8 months ago
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